Sentences with phrase «single magic bullet»

To avoid this fate, Europe has its hopes pinned on a single magic bullet — growth.
There's no single magic bullet, but several choices can lead you to a comfortable financial fit.
There is not a single magic bullet for community, but a process of development of the village as a whole along the lines desired by the villagers.
«There is no single magic bullet that will solve all the problems associated with gene therapy,» says Elizabeth Nabel, a cardiologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Unfortunately, there's no single magic bullet to get rid of eczema.
Light Jogging May Extend Life There is no single magic bullet that can extend life but exercise has often been touted as one of the keys to good health.
No single magic bullet prevails at the three schools.
There are simply too many variables negatively impacting our public schools for a single magic bullet to handle them all.
Although we understand that no single magic bullet can substantially improve the lives of at - risk children and their families, we believe that providing high - quality education for our students means using every strategy available to create not only a challenging curriculum but also a safe and healthy learning environment.
While there is no single magic bullet to suddenly land an author on a bestseller list, this workshop will unveil the many simple, yet important strategies to help make your books more accessible, more discoverable and more desirable to readers.
Smart authors know that there's no single magic bullet to bestsellerdom.
While we can't solve the problems with a single magic bullet, more nuclear power plants, along with wind and Solar power, could fill much of the gap.
At the end of the day, as Professor Arza Churchman noted, there is no single magic bullet for revitalizing cities.
It needs to be a collective approach to emergent constraints rather than a singling out one, so this whole piece went in the wrong direction by trying to find a single magic bullet.
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