Sentences with phrase «single narrative style»

But just as it never settles on a single narrative style, Hardline also struggles to remain coherent in its combat design.

Not exact matches

and there is a myriad of visual incident and detail to drink in but aside from a gladiatorial sequence involving what can only be called giant, sharp toothed Martian apes and a Braveheart style desert battle in which Carter takes on the Tharks single - handed, the production is somewhat lacking in action but Stanton's conviction somehow manages to transcend the dull stretches and narrative flaws which gives John Carter a unique charm all of its own.
By starting the story in the 1730s (with a long glance backwards) and continuing into the early career of A.W.N. Pugin, Lindfield makes it plain that Gothic changed and developed through the period he discusses; he does not devote a single chapter to Strawberry Hill, but returns to it at key points in his narrative, tracing how Walpole's Gothic evolved from a repertoire of ornament derived from pattern books to a style based on a study of medieval precedent.
A breath of fresh air in the competitive «mine is best» atmosphere currently so divisive in the field of trauma therapy, each varied and complex case (presented in a variety of writing styles: case reports, session - by - session narratives, single session transcripts) is approached with a combination of methods ranging from traditional psychodynamic and cognitive approaches and applications of attachment theory to innovative trauma methods including EMDR and Levine's SIBAM model.
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