Sentences with phrase «single protagonist»

Nothing set in the stone yet, but it looks like Rockstar Games will be playing with the formula, not offering anymore one single protagonist as it was in the original Red Dead Redemption.
The film revives a mode of storytelling without a single protagonist, flowing from one group of characters to another.
«The Hateful Eight» explores only two locations, denies a single protagonist in favor of eight unlikeable brutes, and winds a profane, bloody, and darkly humorous plot to an anticlimactic and upsetting finish.
And unlike the book, Krasinski's adaptation has a single protagonist: Julianne Nicholson, playing a grad student who intends to examine the impact of feminism (and get over a painful breakup) by recording the desires and fears of men.
«Entertainment Tonight» will premiere the first trailer for Paramount's epic zombie film «World War Z» on Thursday, but they've already posted up the first footage of the Marc Forster - directed project.From the single protagonist in Pitt to the very CG...
The language of the film and lack of a single protagonist make it a Hollywood rarity and gem.
Once you create the list, write a one - paragraph story using each of the four items and a single protagonist of your choosing.
Creating a technically flawless game was much easier when you had to guide a single protagonist through a dozen linear levels, and every other character in the game was actively trying to kill you.
Although players will begin the game with a single protagonist, the other seven can be discovered while exploring the world.
Each Agent feels and plays different, which I guess it the point of having a bunch of Agents to choose from rather than a single protagonist who can do it all.
With a single protagonist able to simultaneously woo several perpetually eager characters, it's understandable that dating sims are often dismissed as male fantasy.
During the chase, the game will follow a single protagonist for a few measures until both Leo and Vincent are within close enough distance to each other, after which the camera swings through halls, doors, windows, and rooms before shifting the spotlight on the other protagonist.
When we insist on the idea of a single protagonist behind every work of art we wrongfully diminish the collective intelligence that surrounds world - making.
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