Sentences with phrase «single recommendation»

Those of you who have contributed lists and single recommendations displayed a magnificent seriousness.
While this literature offers no single recommendation, some themes have become familiar: the acquisition of ministerial skills should entail more than theological education; a coherent theological education must rest in some aspect of theology itself (God, redemption, church, moral life).
«There has been so much media about the risks of co-sleeping... but no one is covering how to sleep safely when you are not in those situations,» she says,» [so] moms have to make due when reality and personal decisions are in conflict with the single recommendation... and sometimes, the choices are not well informed.»
Its single recommendation is to align state special education requirements with federal ones.
Walsh said the commission likely will issue a menu of options rather than a single recommendation.
Development of technologies cited throughout the recommendations was combined into a single recommendation.
Of all the patients I've treated for serious illness, all the fitness problems encountered in a wide variety of athletes, coach potatoes and everyone in between, the single recommendation that helped more people the most — probably more than all other therapies combined — has been the elimination of sugar.
In fact, this seemingly simple, single recommendation can dramatically improve your health, reduce body fat, and increase performance literally overnight.
Nearly every single recommendation I've ever seen for protein intake when building muscle is the same: 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Don't miss a single recommendation.
The 15 - member Select Committee on Education Deliberations appointed by Gov. William P. Clements had bogged down, observers said, in a divisive internal debate that left it unable to agree on a single recommendation.
While the nation's governors failed to rally behind a single recommendation last week on how Congress should structure a new welfare system, they did agree that any overhaul should include services to poor children and provide assistance to prevent teenage pregnancy.
And during these past 14 months we witnessed the Newtown nightmare... and he still couldn't come up with a single recommendation to make schools safer?
One of the most important issues of our time and Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor didn't have a single recommendation for making our schools safer?
Should you accept my invitation, you'll receive access to every single recommendation, trade and high - yield investment you'll find in these nine market - beating advisories for less than $ 6 a day.
Our user feedback based on Blueprint 1.0 demonstrates that users still want a single recommendation but also want the option to compare that recommendation against similar offerings.
Also, although the Tailored Solutions feature will provide a single recommendation in each category, the application will also include a link to other related products.
One of the greatest benefits of legal referral - marketing strategy is it doesn't have to cost a lot and can quickly pay for itself even after a single recommendation.
Every single recommendation we make is rooted in what is best for the client.
To sum up, in this article I made a single recommendation of where to look for a movie rating.
You should look no further than Ledger Nano S if you are looking for a single recommendation as the best Bitcoin hardware wallet.
The points listed in this article could have been put in a single recommendation: Use action verbs.
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