Sentences with phrase «single repetition»

Single repetition consists of 4 phases: bottom hold, positive phase, top hold, negative phase.
These numbers are for a raw single repetition using the full range of motion.
This group speculated that a combination type program that included both low and high reps would be more effective than a periodized program consisting of single repetition scheme during each training period or phase.
That single repetition will be enough for memories not to slip through the gaps, and can give a general boost to your mental clarity.
Three great exercises that MUST almost always be done, one right after the other — or every single repetition could be a complete waste of time... I see women doing these separately all the time — sad but true — and they wonder why their bodies don't change for the better...
A maximum single repetition is referred to as a one - repetition maximum (i.e. 1RM).
Even a single repetition
The first column bases the percentage on a single repetition maximum lift.
It is a superset that is achieved by combining two different training exercises into a single repetition.
Every single repetition should have our undivided attention.
This is exactly what I mean, they haven't trained with intensities that are high enough to be able to do a single repetition with a weight they should.
Increasing the time it takes to perform a single repetition greatly challenges strength.
This indicates the heaviest weight you can lift with maximum effort in a single repetition.
The bar should touch your chest with every single repetition.
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