Sentences with phrase «single rotation»

Now, the period of an electron is well under a millionth of a second, the human pulse is roughly one per second, and a single rotation of a galaxy takes well over a million years.
We had seen a fertility specialist and had taken a single rotation of the prescription drug Clomid since my period went AWOL for months after many years on the pill; but we were not undergoing official treatment.
Maybe the rules are different for galaxies, where the typical span of a single rotation brackets the time from the dawn of the dinosaurs to the moment you're reading this page.
Those cool conditions, however, depend on whether Venus looked the same in its youth as it does today — although the researchers added an ocean, they kept Venus's present - day topography intact — and whether it has always spun as slowly as it does now, taking 243 Earth days to complete a single rotation.
Because Pluto has 56 days for every Earth year, it takes almost week for it to complete a single rotation giving us an interesting data set By spreading out those observations over 14 days, there's enough information to see how the surface changes over a time.
The debris follows a spiral pattern outward because the solid nucleus is rotating like a lawn sprinkler, completing a single rotation about once per week.
Typically you will only travel through a single rotation of the wheel which is in constant slow motion.
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