Sentences with phrase «single sex schools»

Girls who attend single sex schools face being at a «huge disadvantage», according to the head teacher of a leading independent school.
Cairns» comments have drawn criticism from those involved in single sex schools, with Caroline Jordan, the president of the Girls» Schools Association (GSA), describing his views as «old - fashioned».
Writing in the Independent School Parent magazine, Cairns predicted the gradual demise of single sex schools, referencing the fact that there are now a third fewer all girls schools and half as many boys» schools compared to 20 years ago.
Girls who attend single sex schools face being at a «huge disadvantage» in the world of employment because they may be unable to communicate with boys, according to the headteacher of a leading independent school.
No one at the state or the California Charter Schools Association could say precisely how many single sex schools are operating in California.
The children of the Chareidi community attended single sex schools.
Both coed and single sex schools have pros and cons.
Sweden does not have any single sex schools, due to its strict laws on gender equality.
Socially selective schools which control their own admissions policies such as converter academies, faith schools and single sex schools are all over-represented in the top 500 schools.
Single sex schools are also very high up in bias towards richer pupils, with boys» schools being the most -LRB--45.8 percentage points, pictured below) and girls» at -27.7 percentage points.
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