Sentences with phrase «single whole»

The phrase "single whole" means that something is complete and unified, with no separate parts or elements. Full definition
To cope with dividing the objects while your division classification essay writing, you have to learn how to divide something single whole into parts.
What made Kristin Davis stay single her whole life?
Materials lantern veneer strips lighting cord set & bulb scissors pencil single whole punch craft cord craft needle -LSB-...]
But meh, those are only fanfics to me; they were not by the author of the original book, so Bai Yutang was probably single his whole (short) life.
The first is FF4 The After Years, and the other is Final Fantasy Dimensions (although on android, FFD is one single whole game).
I have always been single my whole life I have never had sex before but you tell me what you want me to do sugar momma...
Accordingly, then, the key to avoiding the intent test of the step transaction doctrine is conceptually simple: put more time and space between the steps, to clearly establish that they were separate and independent decisions, and not part of a single whole.
Rather, it is saying that the Higher Consciousness encompasses all knowledge as a single whole, wherein all things lie at once, without this being higher and this lower, this before and this after.
In the Creator's mind, there is only a single whole.
This unique position provides the human person the opportunity to express the two great dimensions of reality, matter and spirit, as complementary elements which enrich each other and form a single whole.
He said that the form of the experimental conditions and content or the meaning of the experimental results were a single whole which could not be further analyzed.
It is a field of feeling in which other beings are simultaneously apprehended and gathered together into a single whole.
Theology is thus the discipline that allows the secular sciences to be grasped as a single whole.
In defense of his thesis that «only Being is,» Parmenides argued that if there were plurality or change, there would have to be a nonbeing to divide the single whole of Being into simultaneous or successive separate «parts.»
But between these two there is no separation or antithesis; they are hut complementary aspects of a single whole.
The integration of the supernatural and natural worlds suggests to Pepler that «the whole universe» is seen «from the divine angle» so that «a unified view in which everything that is created forms a single whole
Third, the idea of consciousness includes that of unity, implying, in some rather vague sense, the fusion of the totality of the impressions, thoughts and feelings, which make up a person's conscious being, into a single whole.
Indeed, they are necessarily integrated, for, properly understood, each is simply one doorway into and expression of a single whole.
But in The Humiliation of the Word the author has preferred to integrate sociology and theology into a single whole, for reasons he has not yet explained in print.
Weber argues that traditional religion serves to «make sense» of the universe by demonstrating that everything can be related to everything else, can be «unified» into a single whole.
Esthetic unity is the organization of different parts into a single whole.
Just as personality tests offer us an unrealistic image of ourselves as a single whole, overlooking the fact that we are not only many different things in many different situations but also changing over time, so Western theology has all too often reduced the beautifully varied and complex descriptions of God found in the Bible to a singular reading that does violence to its vibrant nature.»
The church is a single whole and its unity is expressed through the authority of the bishops.
Nature and grace formed a single whole in a living unity full of charm and unforeseen variety....
From simple to advanced, all from a single whole grain of rice.
I can't recall a single whole season where he was performing at his best, he has always had injuries which set him back.
«Very few members of the population will have been exposed to any more than a lifetime dose equivalent to a single whole - body CT scan,» she says.
Rather, they form a single whole that helps you raise your overall performance, stay injury - free, and exercise full range of motion at all times.
Not a single whole food turned the eczema back on again.
Every single whole plant food has more than 2.5 % protein, and every group averages at least 11 % except for fruit.
They are also both single whole numbers less than 10, meaning their place value is the same as their numerical value.
The curving wrap - around element merges the doors and the sporty cockpit into a single whole.
Communication requires certain essential units to be combined into a single whole.
Existing W3C WAI Specifications, Guidelines, and most tools related to accessibility assume that the user is encountering a single whole document.
While not all these things need (or should have) exposition, they must all meld harmoniously into a single whole that the reader can honestly take for granted and not even notice the level of effort that went into creating them.
When writing your division essay, make sure each thing you are going to write about relates directly to a single whole;
Therefore, divisions are explicit parts of a single whole.
The nine new works presented at the current exhibition represent nine parts of a single whole, which depicts...
At times, existential dualities seem to be so closely knit together that contrasting desires and the looming danger of decay become a single whole.
Curator Carter E. Foster has cleverly arranged the space to showcase how Hopper drafted his final products, allowing viewers to observe the accumulation of details that eventually cohere into a single whole.
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