Sentences with phrase «sinus pain»

"Sinus pain" refers to discomfort or aching in the areas around the nose and forehead, caused by swelling or inflammation in the sinuses. Full definition
Consider a mother drinking gallons of milk, for example, because it is considered to be a healthy food, only to suffer from symptoms of sinus pain and earaches and her breastfed baby suffers along with colic, too.
It is also used for sinus pain, back and leg pain (sciatica), nerve pain (neuralgia), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
And to top it all off, today, I went to the doctor because I woke up with really bad sinus pain.
Whether inhaled or applied after it has been properly diluted, eucalyptus essential oil can reduce sinus pain and swelling, as well as nasal congestion.
A strange case of sinus pain and transient paralysis distracts one doctor from a life - threatening condition.
On the forehead and nose, a warm cloth is a great way to relieve headache or sinus pain.
They were considered affected if they reported sore throat, cough, fever, sinus pain, flu - like symptoms, or if they reported a diagnosis of pneumonia or bronchitis.
Not counting the potential danger of explosion, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can cause ear and sinus pain.
One especially tiresome component of our winter illnesses can be that stubborn cough, which outstays even the sinus pain, drainage, headaches, and...
Scientific studies have demonstrated that capsaicin can relieve headaches, migraine headaches and sinus pains.
They were regarded as affected if they reported cough, sore throat, fever, flu - like symptoms, sinus pain, or if a diagnosis of bronchitis or pneumonia had been reported.
Sinusitis, or sinus infection, affects as many as 37 million Americans with symptoms such as stuffy and runny nose, sinus pain and fullness around the eyes and cheekbone, postnasal drip, sore throat, headache, trouble breathing, snoring, fatigue, puffy eyes, bad -LSB-...]
Magnolia Clear Sinus contains the herb Xin Yi Hua (magnolia) which unblocks nasal congestion and relieves allergy symptoms of sneezing, nasal discharge, sinus pain and headaches.
Revives and lifts the spirit, stimulates the immune system and can ease coughs, colds, headaches and sinus pain.
Do you have itchy eyes, runny nose, sinus pain, or other allergy symptoms?
Vapour inhalation for a stuffy nose or sinus pain: Fill your bathroom sink with very hot water and add 2 drops each of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and sage oil.
Then my sinus pain kicked in full force.
Is it a tension headache or sinus pain?
Filled with natural buckwheat seeds, it can be heated in the microwave or chilled in the freezer to help relieve puffy eyes, sinus pain, headaches and more.
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