Sentences with phrase «site of the accident»

Police officers also use the WVOLV system at sites of accidents and during routine traffic stops.
Yet like all places, New Bedford is the occasional site of accidents.
In fact, in a five - minute period Tuesday afternoon, 10 people walked across Evergreen Avenue at the site of the accident.
At the site of the accident, on the east side of the street, traffic flows out of the one - way exit of the Arlington Town Square, next to an entrance to the underground garage, which is just steps from the street - level entrance to the Arlington Town Square.
Now in a wheelchair, Remington remains an avid outdoorsman, and even enjoys heading back to the site of the accident, located within the Boreas Pond Tract, the parcel pending classification by the Adirondack Park Agency.
«An emergency medical technician at the site of an accident or somebody in an emergency room when someone is brought in can give this injection immediately,» he said.
Schumacher was airlifted by helicopter from the site of the accident at the Meribel resort to a Moutiers hospital, before his condition was determined to require treatment at a larger hospital in Grenoble, where he underwent the emergency procedure.
I normally deal with Colonial of Watertown, which I love, I called Anthony in Watertown at the site of my accident and he put me in touch with Colonia... l Chevrolet to assist me.
I normally deal with Colonial of Watertown, which I love, I called Anthony in Watertown at the site of my accident and he put me in touch with Colonia
Also, they should avoid anything with a strong smell, which effectively continues to «mark» the site of accident.
First, it is important that you thoroughly clean the site of the accident, as dogs tend to go back to spots that they have gone on before.
Never bring a puppy back to the site of an accident for punishment.
When necessary, we hire investigators who specialize in uncovering details from the site of the accident.
Do not take responsibility or assume liability voluntarily, sign any statements, or pay or promise to pay any amount of money for damages at the site of the accident.
The site of the accident 2.
We're prepared to investigate your injury and the site of the accident, determine the negligent parties, and pursue your compensation in court if need be.
We will interview witnesses, procure files and plans, study the site of the accident, and determine the best course of action to obtain compensation for your injuries.
Some riders who are hurt during bicycle accidents suffer life - threatening injuries, and as seen on Chicago area bicycle accidents discussed on this site some of these accidents result in fatalities.
Do not assume that just because you are able to leave the site of any accident (automobile or other), that you are medically o.k. Get your own doctor to perform a thorough examination.
Conduct an investigation of the site of the accident and the involved vehicles to extract evidence that supports your side of the story
But there are some that flee the site of an accident.
If you are able, following your slip and fall accident, you should take photographs of the site of the accident which clearly shows the conditions which contributed to your fall.
• Stay put at the site of the accident: Unless you have been advised to leave the site of the accident by the proper authorities, it is always best that you stay put at the accident site.
We move quickly to fully investigate the site of your accident, in order to preserve evidence that may otherwise be lost forever.
If you're covered by a warranty of this type and your vehicle has a problem that requires you to stop in the middle of a drive, you can call the warranty provider for assistance at the site of the accident or at the site of your vehicle where it has broken down.
Specially marked vehicles bring claims professionals to wherever customers need them, including the site of an accident.
Ambulance charges for transferring the insured from the site of accident to the hospital are covered.
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