Sentences with phrase «sitting around while», an online software that queries over 500 airlines at a time for the best deals, says that Continental and US Airways are two of the biggest fare discounters for flights to Europe and that many of the other airlines are just sitting around while these two airlines undercut many European routes.
I dislike sitting around while my agent pitches my proposals.
However, having neither of those I opted for a little Amaranth, which had been sitting around a while in the back of my cupboard, getting lonely!
ETA: Beyond that, even if oxytocin were able to be administered orally, who has time to sit around while the body digests a piece of placenta to extract the required nutrients to stop a PPH?
The last Colorados I saw at a dealer were in the mid 30 ′ s. I suspect the more basic ones sell quickly, and the expensive (over) loaded ones sit around a while.
Secondly, O'Donnell was in response to a 2009 paper, published in 2010 and for much of the year it sat around while the 88 pages were being filled out?
Lots of people who will ultimately be dismissed without serving in a particular case end up having to sit around while the process determines if they are qualified to serve in any case.

Not exact matches

«While I'm definitely frugal and very conscious that a dollar spent on lifestyle is a dollar not spent on Sitting Around, I'd rather work two jobs than feed my son ramen.»
A couple of weeks later, 12 people — eight men, four women — sat around a conference table with a moderator, while Carl, our editor, and I looked on from the other side of a two - way mirror.
At the April 17 meeting, about 25 employees sat around a conference table while others joined by video from New York, Dublin, Mexico City, Washington and elsewhere.
People can just sit back and relax while computers ferry them around town.
«Steve Jobs didn't demo the iPad while walking around, he did it while sitting in a comfortable chair,» says Shawn DuBravac, chief economist for the Consumer Electronics Association.
While common football metaphors like «Don't sit on the sideline» can be useful, your best bet is to focus conversations around your excitement for the annual «Super Bowl Squares,» a betting pool operated by the Super Bowl Square Manager, wherein an employee with the least amount of football knowledge wins the most money.
If you're already sitting and watching TV or messing around on your computer, you might as well make some money while doing it.
While you'll be given the responsibility of looking after a child, often, babysitting gigs involve sitting around until the parents come home.
The Xbox 360 Edition has sold more than 12 million, while the PlayStation 3 port was last sitting around 1.5 million.
What they don't love is having the batteries die on their mp3 player while sitting around a campfire.
After the cleaner sat around in her garage for a while, Glacken, based in Perryburg, Ohio, finally tried it.
Plus you really have to let the things sit around for a while to justify the appreciation in value.
While we had around 250k in cash sitting in the bank, we had zero assets.
Pre-holiday or special event: While retail businesses generally don't want excess inventory sitting around, in the months leading up to the holidays or back - to - school shopping, having more inventory than usual can translate into more sales.
Keep in mind that while you might not have $ 400,000 in cash sitting around to start your dream business, you might have 20 % -30 % of that to use as a down payment.
I originally started mining, I tried my hand in trading last year around the time that DigiByte had been sitting around USD$ 0.01 - 0.009 for quite a while.
«My guess is it's going to be sitting around for a while, unfortunately.»
You libs just sit around waiting to be «insulted» while puking out the most vile evil crap ever spoken or written.
Well she got hers as she is sitting in jail while her life crumbles around her.
While you're sitting around, eating hotdogs and watching fireworks, it's always worth setting aside time to read — especially for books that help you grow.
Space is Empty: In ancient times it was variously believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant, or even that a mythical Atlas supported the pillars that held heaven and earth apart, and / or carried the earth around on his shoulders (Where he stood while doing so presents an interesting conundrum).
«I sat on the edge of my seat as this preacher challenged us to participate in the cause of justice, not to slumber while the world changed around us.
And I certainly don't think we need a bunch of stuffy church people sitting around discussing Genesis 6 all day while people around them are dying and going to hell (that would be, a place of shame, right?).
While you're sitting around,...
The most magical memories of my childhood consist of getting chased by him around the house, falling asleep while he yawned through Bernstein Bears, sitting securely in his lap as sirens rang.
If you did create the world and wanted them to know their creator, would you do so by sitting idlely by while children around the world starve to death?
When looked at this way, all the parables and teachings from Jesus about the Kingdom of God become much more clear, and we see that as followers of Jesus, we have a much larger role to play on this earth than just sitting around twiddling our thumbs while we wait for the rapture.
But, for what it's worth, at the annual meeting of the Institute Council a while back, a few of us sat around playing the inevitable (at least for me) game of Keeping Score.
Aspiration is more than hope in the ordinary sense which Cicero defines as expectatio boni (expectation of the good), insofar as one can hope for something while sitting around in an armchair doing nothing to bring it about.
however subjects can sit around all they want while their DNA is mapped or encoded Maybe you meant to say that you discovered the term «junk DNA» in 2001?
I am sitting here momentarily while around me a dozen kids yang, scream, lament and demand my time and energy.
Do you know what that would cost us, while people are sitting around in the living rooms in the United States livid about the very thought of it?
This stuff would be hilarious if it were just a handful of guys who walked around and said all this stuff while we all just sat around and laughed at them.
But we weren't allowed to just sit around and do anything we want while the rest of our group was out getting trained.
I have had a box of orzo sitting around for 1.5 years and while cleaning out my pantry this weekend, I figured I would find a recipe just to use it up and get rid of it.
Most people whip the egg whites first and then make the batter, but I like to reverse that order because no good can come of letting whipped egg whites sit around and deflate while you make the cookie batter.
We used to all sit around in the afternoons, after we'd been to the beach, and eat peanut butter out of the jar with spoons while playing cards and laughing constantly.
(Tree hugging vegan alert) Oh, is there anything better than sitting in the sun with a belly full of fresh fruit and meditating while the breeze rolls around you and nature sings!?
Note: If you only have a 12 - cup muffin tin, the batter will not suffer from sitting around for a few minutes while the first batch bakes.
Aaaaaand I should probably mention said days also include lots of tasty snacks while we sit around and enjoy the day.
Then we all sit around and eat while we watch waaaay too many cartoons.
For years I've been going around saying that I don't mind the bitter flavor, which I really don't, but this time around I was working with a package of tempeh that had been sitting in the fridge for a while, and I always feel like older tempeh is a bit heavier on the bitterness, so I steamed it.
we all sat around munching on it at night while drinking beer, and all i could think about was how awesome it would be to have a homemade version.
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