Sentences with phrase «sitting cross legged»

This Modernist ceramic sculptures depicts an abstracted and cubist human form sitting cross legged with his back bent forward and arms outstretched.
Instructions: Sitting cross legged, comfortably (you could place a pillow or block under your seat to help with stiff hips), close your eyes and begin to notice your body, breath, and mind.
They are bucket shaped, and allow the baby to sit cross legged.
They sit cross legged all the time, it comes natural to them.
I just sat cross legged and their upper backs rested on my thighs.
Sitting Cross-Legged Hip Stretch (1:05) Sit cross legged and keep your back straight.
I love how it's not a maxi, but long enough where you can sit cross legged on a blanket and be comfy.
Sit cross legged inside and leave footwear at entrance.
The monk sat crossed legged behind me.

Not exact matches

If she sat down and crossed her legs, she actually lifted one leg over the other.
A man is sitting in a growth group with crossed legs making small repetitive kicking motions with one foot.
He often sat back on the top floor of his two - story cage (special - ordered by George) with his legs crossed (a highly unusual pose for monkeys), casting expressive looks across the room at members of his harem.
when match dyas turn up he will just sit next to Wenger on the bench with his legs crossed mayb with a clipboard or a notepad and do sod all..
How many times can you get it up the arse before you cross your legs and finally sit - down?
Dykes sat in the Dykes fashion — legs crossed, right elbow on right knee, right hand supporting large cigar.
You should also avoid crossing your legs as when you sit in the position your feet are down rather than propped.
There are actually three varieties of the breech position — frank, where the baby is bottom down with legs straight up, incomplete, one or both legs pointing down and complete, where your baby is sitting with his or her legs crossed.
In this case the baby is sitting upright and the crosses don't come between the legs but over and under the baby so that the legs are tucked inside.
These seats are used when your child can properly sit with their legs in front of them, with their back against the backrest, to elevate them so the seat belt properly crosses their chest, and are only to be used when your child has fully outgrown the other forward facing car seats.
Legs are always bent, children are far more flexible than us adults and enjoy sitting with legs bent or crosLegs are always bent, children are far more flexible than us adults and enjoy sitting with legs bent or croslegs bent or crossed.
When mine have thrashed / been overly active I sit semi cross legged on the floor and place at least one leg over the child.
Body language: She puts her empty coffee cup down, sits back in the easy chair, folds her arms, moves her body to one side, and crosses her leg away from you.
De Blasio sat with his giant legs crossed.
Sit with your right leg crossed over your left and briskly tap the large tendon beneath your kneecap with the handle of a kitchen knife.
Dr. Raj, Health's medical editor, recommends getting up and walking every one to two hours; staying hydrated; and sitting with your feet flat on the floor, as opposed to crossing your legs.
Other tips to try: Get more exercise, try not to sit or stand for long periods (and do nt cross your legs when you sit), and avoid clothes that are super-tight in the waist, groin, or legs.
I find it a little weird that the midsole extends beyond the heel — but I only notice that when I am sitting with my legs crossed.
Start by sitting on the foam roller with your left leg crossed over your right, hands directly behind you.
Massage your glute muscles by simply sitting on the foam roller and rolling back and forth over the muscle, crossing one leg over the other.
However, if practicing a formal meditation, sit in a crossed legged position.
Sit in your chair with your legs crossed and your feet on the seat.
Assume a sitting position legs crossed and relax your feet.
How - to: Sit tall in crossed - legged or mermaid position.
10) In the middle of a heated argument with your spouse, abruptly sit down (preferably on the ground, especially if you're in public), cross your legs into lotus pose, close your eyes and stop responding.
It involves sitting, either cross legged on the floor or in a chair, letting all thoughts go and focusing on one of the following; 1.
These sensations can be increased if women are sitting with their legs crossed.
For doing this yoga poses, you will need to sit in a cross legged position and then lift your hands above your shoulders.
Sit on the floor by crossing the legs and placing the feet below the knees.
Tip: Try this pose sitting down: cross your left leg over your right leg and fold your arms in front of your face.
While it might feel like a bit of a shock to the system initially, over time, you'll feel as comfortable sitting in a squat as you do sitting directly on the floor with your legs crossed.
Crossing your legs instantly throws any chance at sitting properly away.
Last but not least some extra exercises that came as some runner ups were L - Sits, L - Sit Iron Crosses, Handstands Push ups, Squatting on the ends of the barbells for instability, and abductor adductor exercise in which you stand on the ends of the barbells and while using a spotter, spread your legs using abduction, and then squeeze your feet back together to a stand.
To utilize Pranayama, begin by sitting comfortably with you legs crossed.
You can sit on your legs or cross them.
The best way to stimulate all Seven Chakras at once is to find a relaxing place outdoors, sit with your back straight and legs crossed on the ground.
Sit on the roller and cross your right leg over your left knee.
That includes bad diet (refined foods, lack of fibre, sugar, meat, dairy), nutritional deficiencies, free radicals, constipation, pregnancy, obesity, prolonged and frequent sitting or standing, smoking and other stimulants, sitting with crossed legs, etc..
Increases Flexibility: Due to prolonged sitting, especially with crossed legs, poor conditioning may result in tightness in the tendons and groin.
Seated cross legged stretch: sit down on a chair or bench.
You can sit in this position for any length of time, but if you practice this pose regularly, be sure to alternate the cross of the legs.
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