Sentences with phrase «situation like this one»

At our firm, we have represented people in situations like yours for over three decades.
Short of going to small claims court, there is an alternative that can work well for situations like yours.
It helps in dealing with situations like loss of baggage, loss of documents and medical emergencies effectively.
Doctors generally have the right to determine who they want to treat or not, outside of situations like emergencies and illegal discrimination.
If you have regularly checked your vehicle, you can always avoid situations like these.
Thank you for sharing these stories, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who constantly gets into situations like these haha.
If you relate to any of that description, I want you to know that I've helped many couples in situations like yours.
These skills can be used in real life situations like walking in a crowded outdoor market, or crossing a busy street.
Believe it or not, the human capacity for resilience shows up in remarkable ways even in difficult situations like separation and divorce.
Not only is it helpful in stressful situations like a fire, it is also affordable.
This saves the person from situations like cancellation of his license due to accumulation of points.
I was so thankful of the new skill I had and knew I didn't have to worry about situations like that.
If you can pay off your mortgage quickly, you will be able to handle emergency situations like a job loss more easily.
It is better to be prepared for the worst and not even have to face situations like this that could ruin both your financial standing and your friendship with the injured party.
I have the little - known techniques for how to deal with special situations like timeline gaps, industry changes, and lack of education.
Many people do this so they can take care of other financial situations like consolidating debts, taking a vacation, investing in the stock market or buying an expensive item.
You will be better able to cover situations like hiring or training a replacement.
Riders are add - on covers through which you can customize your policy for certain situations like death by accident, critical illness, permanent disability etc..
Here are six classic scenarios, from the daily routine of car and daycare to special situations like airplanes and parties.
Being prepared and having good information can help you avoid unfortunate situations like personal items being stolen from your car.
In our work with families, we have seen many situations like this.
I've had family members go through situations like this before, not fun.
The Rescue Diver Certification Course is designed to train in managing situations like panic diver, diver in distress, conscious and unconscious diver both at surface and underwater.
Even if you don't have social anxiety, though, most of us have experienced situations like the ones below.
If I was in a similar situation like what was depicted in this romantic drama, I do not know if I would want to be around those individuals.
Our patient and professional instructors will teach you safe driving skills, so you will be more than ready to handle difficult situations like driving on the freeway or busy city streets.
We aren't sure why its started to happen, and she's still good with most other dogs in other situations like in a back yard!
It's not just the cost of medical care that travel insurance covers, but all sorts of unfortunate situations like loss of baggage, flight delays and need for legal aid.
It allows you connect with other people who have the same situation like you!
It covers you from the unforeseen situations like death thereby providing the sum assured in lump sum or monthly or a combination of both to your nominee while you peacefully pass away.
There are many good lessons to be learned from bad situations like this.
And there's no shooting or enemies to be found, just life - or - death situations like running out of oxygen or floating away from the damaged space station into space.
We often need to be reminded to make eye contact in situations like job interviews.
It's very uncomfortable to speak up for change, especially in a face to face social situation like at your child's school.
You can add earthquake coverage to your renters insurance, and then you'd have coverage for a personal property loss suffered as a result of an unexpected situation like that.
Going through the mediation process rather than litigation can help keep a tricky situation like this out of a judge's hands.
Meeting new people, learning new skills, facing school pressures, and trying to understand difficult situations like divorce and death are confusing and anxiety provoking for everyone.
Sometimes we have to ride out a challenging situation like a job we really want to move on from.
The committee has stated in the past that it takes situations like that into account.
You already know their behavioral patterns and how they will respond to the major stress situations like children, fighting, and getting serious.
A healthy colon has a very high percentage of moisture / liquid and in extreme situations like dehydration, your body takes liquid from colon to support other bodily organs.
In a complex situation like this you really need solid advice from someone who can look at the entire situation.
Like you, I've encountered situations like this, the good thing is at least we have something to cover it up.
As opposed to day to day situations like apartment fires, there are separate funds used for major disasters, like hurricanes.
This may include situations like lost baggage, trip cancellations / delays, and other unforeseen losses.
How to deal with sticky situations like missing skills or experience, employment gaps, short - term jobs, being fired, or having a bad reference.
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