Sentences with phrase «situation surrounding something»

For example, what is seen «in the LSD experiences and in various situations surrounding them appears to be basically an exteriorization and magnification of the conflicts intrinsic to human nature and civilization» (RHU 6).
The legal situation surrounding it and its friends we'll leave to one side for now, but what you're looking at is a tablet with a 1280x800 LCD screen powered by an Nvidia Tegra 2 chip, 1 GB of RAM and up to 64 GB of storage if you're willing to shell out top whack.
Please provide references for this occurence as well as the situation surrounding it.
«In submitting his resignation, he said he understood the seriousness of the situation surrounding him and would to take full responsibility for his actions.
Eastwood and screenwriter Paul Haggis are more interested in following these characters than to simply let them become pawns of the situations surrounding them, and each new development simultaneously defines and is defined by them.
If it is written by the author of the book, the afterword will be about how the book came to be and the situation surrounding it, and it will offer some sort of final or concluding thought on the subject.
But the situation surrounding it is more complicated than that.
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