Sentences with word «sity»

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Selected group exhi ¬ bi ¬ tions include Tools for Conviviality, The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto (2012); Phantasmagoria, Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver (2012); Ray - mond Boisjoly, Jordy Hamil ¬ ton, Laura Piasta: Stud ¬ ies in Decay, Or Gallery, Van ¬ cou ¬ ver (2012); House Sys ¬ tems: Fort Club, The Hedreen Gallery at Seat ¬ tle Uni ¬ ver ¬ sity, Seat ¬ tle (2010); and How Soon Is Now, Van ¬ cou ¬ ver Art Gallery (2009).
Our classes are geared toward very specific area issues, such as den - sity ordinances, FEMA, endangered species list, and flood zones.»
LM Jorge joined the firm in 2001 and has since then completed a Master in Business Law at the Univer - sity of Wales (UK) in 2003, an MBA in 2006 and has undertaken a postgradu - ate study in partnerships and corporate law in 2005.
Physicals akin to those required for life insurance - the overly ob - ese will pay signficantly more Medicare and universal health insurance (unless the obe - sity is caused by a medical condition).
Its true that exercising without dieting — or worse, piling on calorie - rich food just because you worked up a sweat — wont lead to weight - loss success, agrees Susan Roberts, PhD, professor of nutrition at Tufts Univer - sity.
Every Muslim who is abel must visit the sity of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, once in his or her life.
Brannon has been the subject of solo exhibitions at venues including the Marino Marini Museum, Florence (2013); Portikus, Frankfurt (2012); Muse - um M, Leuven, Belgium (2010); Whitney Museum of American Art at Altria, New York (2007); and Art Gallery of York Univer - sity, Toronto (2007).
No I gidress frum you sity folk.
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