Sentences with phrase «size of one's market»

The report's authors also drew from secondary data to provide additional context about the overall size of the market as well as its players, products and associations.
That means weighting stocks in an index by qualities such as earnings, cash flow, dividends and book values rather than the sheer size of their market caps.
Despite the lower allocation for small capitalization stocks, this percentage is relatively high given the relative size of that market segment.
The actual size of this market is harder to define as it will be driven by consumer adoption of these currently cutting - edge devices.
What makes gold so liquid is the immense size of its market.
We also took into consideration business models and the potential size of the market.
The potential number of locations in your market will depend on many factors, including size of the market, population, competition and timing.
One way to build a globally - diversified portfolio is to follow the relative size of each market across the globe.
The amazing size of this market and its true liquidity (especially of the major currencies), generates stability.
The database includes a dynamic market sizing tool to instantly determine size of market statistics by:
The size and strength of UK business services functions was shown by our joint research conducted last year in partnership with US consultancy Calibrate Legal, which sought to establish the average size of marketing teams in the UK and US.
Unfortunately this has yet to see much interest from pharmaceutical companies, despite the great size of the market for an effective AGE - breaker drug.
The outstanding notional size of the market had grown from less than $ 1 Trillion in the beginning of 2001, to over $ 60 Trillion by the end of 2007, with no signs of stopping.
«If you look at the number of foreign investors in real estate and the overall size of the market in Canada, its not big enough to move the needle,» he says.
In my research, I realized the enormous size of this market demand and how a solution for expats could be expanded to fit the needs of a larger global population.»
Some may think that the Whole Foods deal is about winning in the grocery segment alone, given the massive size of the market and the frequency of customer visits.
Single - mindedly increasing market activity, for example, by expanding the geographical size of the market, will have many negative results that will go far to counterbalance any positive ones.
This comprehensive guide is designed to give you, the operator, insight into the U.S. foodservice market, including the current size of the market, trends in foodservice, who the successful operators are and who to watch.
The only way to see beyond the apparently tiny size of the market is to take the leap and invest a small amount, but companies, in the absence of data, are rightly reluctant to do so.
With a fleet of different designs from different manufacturers, and the awakening of park owners to the possible size of this market, I suspect we will be seeing and hearing a lot more about park model modern prefab.
The total size of the market swelled to $ 125 billion amid the latest rally, pushing the total value of all cryptocurrencies above $ 200 billion.
Only Los Angeles bucked that trend, but the city ranks near the top because of the absolute size of the market.
The greatest differences are in housing prices and the vast size of the market in Toronto.»
b) Transparency of small market sales: The actual size of the market in small markets will become more difficult to ascertain if international digital sellers do not supply the information.
New issuances have expanded the overall size of the market, while retail investors continue to be net sellers of loans on the year.
Considering that the global hotel industry was worth $ 494 bln last year, this will for sure grab the attention of crypto investors given the sheer size of the market and the number of transactions involved.
This infancy is also reflected in the relative size of each market — the WGC has put a value on all the gold that has ever been mined of $ 7.8 trillion, which is several orders of magnitude more than the $ 300 billion market capitalisation of all cryptocurrencies combined; while the market value of bitcoin alone is «just» $ 175 billion.
The size of the market and 2).
One recent report estimated the size of that market at $ 34 billion in 2015, more than double its value the year before.
BlackBerry's first Android smartphone includes some helpful tweaks but its high price will limit the size of its market
But the size of the market we're pursuing — data centers, autonomous driving, video games and virtual reality, industrial design — our technology is being used by almost every car company, movie... so almost every data center in the world will be accelerated by GPUs.
A strong competitive positioning strategy requires a realistic view on the size of the market and how you plan to deliver value to your customers at the highest level possible.
You should be able to speak credibly about the size of that market and the realistic share you can obtain.
The questions will center around projections, the size of the market and the client acquisition plan and, of course, you must have answers to these items nailed down.
If you're headed out to raise capital for your company, you'll still need to address key issues about the size of your market, the experience of your team, and your long - term financial goals.
This is true regardless of the industry or size of the market you're in.
Once the size of the market has been determined, the next step is to define the target market.
We assess the fundamentals of the business: the size of the market and the growth potential, and also the company's financial track record and its management team.
The type of distribution network you choose will depend upon the industry and the size of the market.
What do art indexes, auction prices and records, and reports on the size of the market, for example, actually tell us?
For the size of this market, there's a big opportunity.
Both companies faced questions over the size of the markets they operated in when they were starting out.
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