Sentences with phrase «size of the benefit»

As surpluses reemerge, the Johnson plan would phase out income taxation of Social Security benefits — effectively increasing the size of benefits for many seniors.
Edzard Ernst, professor of complementary medicine at the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, UK, thinks that «the size of the benefit is too small to be clinically relevant».
There was substantial variation between trials in the size of these benefits, probably due to differences in the antibiotic used, the trial methods (particularly effective randomization), and the timing of outcome assessment.
The problem with chromium though is that the size of the benefit appears to be modest at best and there is insufficient evidence for me to recommend this supplement in good conscience — especially given the potential for this compound to be carcinogenic (Wu et al. 201629).
The size of the benefit depends on the length of continuous enrollment in the KPS system.
Given the popularity and cost of the programs, there is a need for research to determine the size of the benefits of Promise - style efforts, or indeed, whether there are any discernible benefits.
Another factor affecting the size of the benefit is that lane departure warning requires an appropriate response from drivers.
(If you haven't begun drawing Social Security already, this Retirement Estimator tool can estimate the size of the benefit you'll receive.)
The size of your benefits depends on the number of years you've worked, how large your earnings were during those years, the cost of living, and, importantly, at what age you claim your benefits.
The size of this benefit depends on the size of the contributions to the plan.
Each year you delay between age 62 and 70, you boost the size of your benefit roughly 7 % to 8 %, which can dramatically increase the amount of money you receive over your lifetime.
If you choose to begin receiving your benefit early, you'll have to contend with the earnings test, which reduces the size of your benefit if you earn too much during the period before you reach full retirement age.
There are three basic factors for how much term life insurance for people over 50 will cost which includes your actual age, health and size of the benefit.
One of the primary factors has to do with the size of benefit you wish to provide your family should the worst happen.
Depending on the size of the benefits, there may even be a legacy left behind for college or retirement.
The benefit of doing this becomes greater, typically as the size of the benefit amount grows.
The cost of a term policy relies heavily on both the age and health of the insured, the length of the policy term, and the size of the benefit involved.
Death benefits help your loved ones cover the cost of your funeral and possibly their living expenses depending upon the size of the benefit.
More recent reviews have combined the data from many smaller studies to conclude that positive psychotherapy can have significant positive effects, even though the size of this benefit has been questioned (Bolier et al., 2013).
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