Sentences with phrase «size of the bet»

If you've seen the movie The Big Short, you may remember the scene where right before one of the funds was getting ready to increase the size of their bet against the mortgage industry, they were a little bit concerned.
This seems like a «no - lose» situation IF you have an unlimited bankroll and no limits on the size of bets that you can make.
The biggest negative of Martingale Systems is the size of bets can build up rather quickly.
In addition, most casinos and sportsbooks have limits on the size of bets they will take.
An FA judgement read: «In each case those individuals» bets were atypical both in relation to their personal betting history — none had previously placed bets in the caution betting market; and in relation to the caution betting market — the size of the bets made them stand out.»
Typically, there just aren't the customers out there wanting to have that size of bet on a manager market as a «normal bet».
In it, only two players compete and the size of bets is limited.
Bowling and colleagues previously created a program to «solve» Heads - Up Limit poker, but Heads - Up No - Limit is a tougher challenge, as there is no restriction on the size of the bets.
Two new poker - playing programs can best professionals at heads - up no - limit Texas Hold»em, a two - player version of poker without restrictions on the size of bets.
Researchers at the University of Brescia and other institutions in Italy found that online gamblers who closed their accounts because of money troubles showed the widest variance in the size of their bets over time.
The real difference between self - pub, small - pub, and large - pub is the size of the bet made on the future success of your book and who the people are making the bet.
What's different now is the size of the bets on volatility.
Additionally, if you're interested in active investing, and you don't want to get your shirt taken, I strongly recommend looking into the Kelly Criterion which can help you determine the size of bet you should take (relative to the size of the portfolio).
The exact winning the player receives for each particular combination is calculated by multiplying the payout value from the pay table by the size of the bet.
Depending on my utility curve and the size of the bet, I might need to be 99 % sure or more before entering into the bet.
The first is hedging: use a platform like Bitfinex to make a leveraged bet against the Bitcoin price going up, and constantly adjust the size of this bet so that the Bitcoin price going up by $ 1 equally benefits the business by increasing the value of its BTC holdings and hurts it because of the leveraged bet in the opposite direction on the exchange.
The present study reports the findings of a pilot study designed to investigate whether or not the likelihood of increasing the size of a bet was related to the level of prize offered and personal debt.
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