Sentences with phrase «size of the print»

Of course one factor is the small size of print runs.
One important factor is the small size of the print market relative to the awareness of comics properties.
The overall size of the print including the mat is 8 x 10 (the art print is approximately 5 x 8, the mat opening is approximately 4 x 6).
The physical size of the print edition will obviously affect the page count.
Another reason I wasn't impressed with the Nielsen data is that the presenter was excited about the growth in the trade paperback size of print books and was proposing that publishers should re-release mass - market paperbacks in that size to grab the «trend.»
During that meeting, DC co-publisher Jim Lee held up a sheet of typing paper and a piece of dental floss as a visual analogy for the relative sizes of the print and digital... [Read more...]
Different Polaroid cameras will print out differing sizes of prints.
This function allows authors to see their manuscripts in page - by - page format almost instantly, while still allowing the authors to select the height - by - width size of the printed book.
I would love to know what sizes of prints you did and where each of these frames are from.
- Contact information: mailing address and email - Artist and exact title of work requested - High resolution image file needed or not - Title, author, and publisher for the project - Type of publication and reason for inclusion of the work - Size of print run and / or online edition - Publication date - Budget for the request
Which means that neither the «Nielsen numbers» for the overall size of the print market, nor those for the ebook market, make any sense at all.
During that meeting, DC co-publisher Jim Lee held up a sheet of typing paper and a piece of dental floss as a visual analogy for the relative sizes of the print and digital markets.
The size of the print of the measuring guide shown on the side of the bottle is rather small; good eyesight or updates spectacles are needed
What's more, the size of the printing area is limited only by the size of the printer, meaning the technique could be easily scaled up.
«This could be achieved by not merely by further reducing the size of the printed architectures, but also by allowing us to «print» functional architectures.
Select a maxi dress with small, consistent pattern or strips — just keep in mind the size of the print should be no larger than your fist polka dots are perfect.
Tip — Remember to not go overboard with the colors of the saree or the size of the print, it might be a little over the top and distasteful.
Another way to make a mixed pattern look work, is by focusing on the size of the prints.
Depending on the size of the print, the flowers can emphasize areas we don't always want highlighted.
Strangely, I've never been a lover of leopard print and I usually only like certain items of a certain colour and size of the print, I mean I'm a bit fussy when it comes to finding leopard print items that really catch my eye, but when I find them I never want to stop using them!
While we speak of two different prints here, make sure that they're of the same family of colors while the sizes of their prints vary.
The size of the print was just on the border of too large.
Not saying you can't do it, it all just depends on the size of the print and how big the artwork is you're posing in front of.
As you proceed through the years the size of prints should also grow.
My three top things to think about when it comes to pattern mixing: the size of the prints, colour and instinct.
They are roughly of the size of printed magazines.
Deciding on the size of the print run can be tricky.
I think she would love that you can change the size of the print.
With the number of titles falling, the size of print runs is also declining, and the total amount of printed material shrank by 10.4 percent last year compared to 2013, according to the report.
That's about the size of a the printed area of a hardback book.
Another big advantage of e-books is that you can adjust the size of the printed words, that is fonts.
For CreateSpace or other POD book formatting, you will need to decide on the size of your printed book in advance.
You can adjust the size of the print to fit your eyes, no more losing your...
POD made the size of a print run irrelevant.
Demand in any format rests on what it has always rested on in print: the author's reputation; the past circulation of the author, like authors, and / or the subject, with the subject more important if the author is less well known; buzz in vendor reports, in the media, and on the web; the size of print runs and the promotional campaign; the number of holds; patron requests; and reviews, which nearly 40 % of respondents say are still required to place an order.
They occupy less space than a print book i.e., an eReader (at the size of print book) can hold thousands of eBooks.
Then there is the fact you can adjust the size of print on an e-book reader.
Hi Can you ajust the size of the print when reading onthe amazon fire 8 new addition and has it a back light for reading.
The size of the prints matches precisely the size not of the postcards, but of the paintings.
The paper is white Somerset velvet, 250 grams, and the size of each print is 9 3/4 x 12 3/4 inches.
Almond's forbidding point of view no doubt helps determine the size of the prints: anything smaller would make contemplating danger easy — and anything larger would immerse one in the landscapes, as in Chernobyl for Diana Thater.
Chris Dercon, director, Tate Modern: As we are about to show some of your beautiful dye - transfer prints at Tate Modern, I have been wondering how you decide on the size of the prints you make.
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