Sentences with phrase «size structure»

The researchers built a poker chip — size structure of latex rubber stretched over an aluminum frame coupled to a plastic ring containing a membrane.
Large size structures that run in the genes is the culprit, not the milk.
Now, researchers have discovered that the drug changes the firing patterns of cells in a pea - size structure hidden away in the center of the brain.
Despite important differences in the climate and species composition of tropical rainforests, tropical rainforests worldwide typically exhibit a consistent size structure.
I think a small - sized structured purse is a must - have piece in every woman's closet!
Images appear and disappear as one moves closer to the medium sized structures.
For example, different size structure for gowns, dresses and sleepwear.
The screens of tablets, smartphones and some computers emit a blue wavelength light that affects your Suprachiastmatic Nucleus (SCN), a pinhead sized structure that contains 20,000 neurons and controls your sleep cycle, and decreases melatonin production, which can cause sleep disruptions.
Double gussets protect you from messes and a four tier sizing structure ensures that these covers will fit a wide array of sizes, from birth to potty.
Scientists suspect that one of the key areas especially affected is the thalamus, a walnut - size structure at the base of the brain that is the gateway for sensory information — taste, touch, vision, and hearing.
It has long been known that the hypothalamus, an almond - sized structure located deep within the brain, controls appetite as well as energy expenditure, body temperature, and circadian rhythms including sleep cycles.
At DESY, the researchers successfully created an image of a hexagonal, micrometre sized structure in the shape of a benzene ring.
Fat cells release that «diet» hormone — today named leptin, from the Greek leptos, meaning thin — to begin a journey across the blood - brain barrier to the hypothalamus, the pea - size structure above the pituitary gland.
«The main point of our work is not necessarily about fishing reducing abundance; it's about how fishing reduces size structure,» she said.
The zirconium ions form their own crystal, and theirs is quite special: a clear, millimetre - sized structure so hard that it will last for all of eternity — at least as far as Earth is concerned.
When Charles Wilkinson thinks about soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) his mind jumps to a pea - size structure tucked behind the bridge of the nose and ensconced below the base of the brain.
3D printing by direct laser writing produces micrometer - sized structures with precisely defined properties.
More specifically, some of the lower thermal conductivities in nanocrystalline materials have been achieved in materials that include hierarchically sized structures, at the atomic size, the nanoscale, and mesoscale, which can scatter phonons of various wavelengths and reduce phonon transport throughout the spectrum.
Their generously sized structures are intended to constrict, re-frame and challenge navigation of the space.
For example, if you bought a new home in 1983 for $ 76,000 and you wanted to have it appraised for sale today, an appraiser would figure out how much it would cost to build a similarly sized structure using new materials.
Jeans can be so tricky to figure out since it seems like each company has a different sizing structure.
The screens of tablets, smartphones and some computers emit a blue wavelength light that affects your Suprachiastmatic Nucleus (SCN), a pinhead sized structure that contains 20,000 neurons and controls your sleep cycle, and decreases melatonin production causing sleep disruptions.
Steve Easterbrook concluded, «For McDonald's, 2016 was a year of purposeful change as we focused on the key elements of our turnaround plan - strengthening our business to drive long - term sustainable growth by sharpening our focus on our customers, right - sizing our structure and putting the right talent in place to lead the Company into the future.
In the barely three years since biologists discovered how to create these «brain organoids,» the lentil - sized structures have taken neuroscience by storm.
So we worked out these advanced ways of determining NPP, phytoplankton biomass and the size structure to formulate mass budgets, all derived from satellite data.»
By itself, cold dark matter would cause visible matter to condense into galaxy - sized structures, but can not explain the formation of larger structures.
«The reduction in size structure can have important effects on prey structure as well, apart from reductions in numbers,» she added.
When predators such as sheephead are fished, not only does abundance diminish, Caselle noted, but size structure is also reduced because fisheries usually target bigger individuals.
«DNA - origami surpasses important thresholds: Building virus - sized structures and saving costs through mass production.»
Its boxy, desk - size structure, weighing about a half ton, carries five cameras to study the planet's dense, cloud - choked atmosphere as never before.
In recent years, AFMs have produced desktop - worthy close - ups of atom - sized structures, from single strands of DNA to individual hydrogen bonds between molecules.
• Aligned for blended learning delivery: The bite - sized structure of the modules makes them a perfect accompaniment for blended learning.
Using aluminum pipes from Rhoades's 1999 Perfect World installation at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, the life - size structure was first presented at David Zwirner in New York in 2000.
Worst of all, while lobsters can reach sizes exceeding 40 pounds, intense fishing — targeting lobsters weighing as little as one pound — has truncated the size structure of the population in favor of small lobsters.
The size structure of all post-fire clones per site was constructed for each of the 105 sites.
Size structure of (a) 50, (b) 250, (c) ca 450 and (d) ca 1000 years old post-fire stands based on distribution of number of spruce clones per 10 m perimeter classes.
To assess the recovery of massive Porites 15 years later, we resurveyed the size structure and extent of partial mortality of massive Porites at Tivaru (Rangiroa).
Matt Hickman describes the construction of the world's largest gingerbread house, saying And although the plus - sized structure may scream «excessive waste» to some, it's not without a big, charity - minded heart.»
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