Sentences with phrase «sizzling bacon»

The phrase "sizzling bacon" refers to the sound and action when bacon is being cooked in a hot pan, producing a loud and enticing noise. Full definition
Every Sunday morning, 10 am like clockwork, I'd smell the sweet notes of sizzling bacon wafting up the stairs.
Guests can choose from American style breakfast aptly named «Breakfast of Kings» with sizzling bacon, succulent sausages, free range eggs cooked any style, toasted sour dough made on site, button mushrooms, roasted tomatoes and rosti cakes all served with perfectly ground coffee and freshly squeezed juices.
There's no better smell in the world than hot, sizzling bacon — except maybe when you combine that with bourbon.
JB must have heard the sizzling bacon, as he rolls up just as mountainous plates are delivered to the table.
The day Spenkelink was put to death a popular Jacksonville disc jockey aired a recording of sizzling bacon and dedicated it to the doomed man.
As I said, anything that even remotely smells of bacon makes most dogs go bananas, and the sizzling bacon aroma of these toys is bound to have your pooch water at the mouth.
Wake up and enjoy breakfast of fresh - brewed coffee, a delicious pastry, sizzling bacon, and a fresh hot entrée.
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