Sentences with phrase «skeleton grows»

Too little protein intake can impact how well your little pup's skeleton grows.
In the early part of life, they rebuild faster than they break down as the skeleton grows.
Co-author Jennifer Anné said: «Bone does not form scar tissue, like a scratch to your skin, so the body has to completely reform new bone following the same stages that occurred as the skeleton grew in the first place.
The feat could eventually help children born with genetic defects that make their skeleton grow too slow or too fast.
When the scientists returned the damaged coral to normal seawater, the skeleton grew back.

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Cross says that as the oceans absorb more carbon dioxide, the more acidic the water becomes, which hurts marine life and makes it harder for organisms to grow skeletons and build shells.
Let us return to the skeleton church and grow in unity once again.
Calcium (1,000 mg)- Your baby will need plenty of calcium to grow his or her bones, so you want to make sure that you have enough leftover in your body to keep your own skeleton up and running.
The Chicco Trio system is incredibly versatile, allowing you to strip it right down the skeleton frame that the infant car seat can be attached to, and as they grow, it can be made suitable for bigger kids thanks to the toddler seat included in the set.
Those with a 5 - point harness provide more even protection across the child's torso, especially younger children whose skeletons are still growing and fragile.
As your tummy is growing day by day and your skeleton is expanding to embrace the baby, this results in body shaped changes.
Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker.
The situation has grown so dire for Trump, who is working with a skeleton staff of relatives and business associates based out of Trump Towers in Manhattan, that he suggested he might tap his personal fortune to keep the campaign afloat.
The crystals had grown symmetrically, sharing parts of their skeleton.
The sea star seems to survive because its calcium is nodular, so unlike species with continuous shells or skeletons it can compensate for a lack of carbonate by growing more fleshy tissue instead.
«We were very intrigued by the higher lean mass, the possibility that vitamin D can help infants to not only grow healthy skeletons but also healthy amounts of muscle and less fat,» said Hope Weiler, one of the study's authors and Director of the Mary Emily Clinical Nutrition Research Unit at McGill University.
Ghostly white skeletons covered in a growing layer of green - brown algae created a desolate underwater landscape.
«It is primarily measured by whether a child is growing a stronger, longer skeleton
The starfish leave a «brilliant white» trail of bare coral skeletons that «skuzzy green» algae then grow on within a matter of days.
In an article published in the journal Scientific Reports, Baco - Taylor and her team document these reefs and discuss possible explanations for their appearance in areas considered impossibly hostile to reef - forming scleractinia, whose communities are formed by small, stony polyps that settle on the seabed and grow bony skeletons to protect their soft bodies.
He would have had them grow rigid wings on either side of their skeletons, crawl up a tree, and then jump off.
When it died, it sank to the bottom of the sea floor with its skeleton falling apart and becoming a hub for coral and other organisms to grow on.
When carbon dioxide, CO2, from the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean, it forms carbonic acid (the same thing that makes soda fizz), making the ocean more acidic and decreasing the ocean's pH. This increase in acidity makes it more difficult for many marine organisms to grow their shells and skeletons, and threatens coral reefs the world over.
«At least two genes are required — one gene to specify the region of the skeleton to grow more and another gene to stimulate increased growth.»
Verfaillie and colleagues were trying to grow stem cells extracted from rodent mesenchyme, a component of bone marrow that contributes to fat, skeleton and muscle.
The researchers concluded that higher doses provided no additional benefits in terms of helping babies grow a healthy skeleton.
Great white sharks absorbed this radiocarbon into their continuously growing skeletons.
• The DOI reference in our article reporting the use of paper as a skeleton for growing animal tissue (24 October, p 10) should have read: 10.1073 / pnas.0910666106.
The scientists measured changes over time in the amount of manganese in the skeletons produced by coral growing since the 1890s.
Instead of slowly adding material molecule by molecule, the coral animal actively constructs large chunks of minerals that it adds to its growing skeleton, helping it grow much faster than it otherwise could, and with greater control.
Gilbert developed a new way to image the growing portions of coral skeletons to see what the forming structures were made of, which she calls component mapping.
The tree simultaneously ripped its skeleton apart and collapsed under its own weight while staying alive and growing upwards and outwards to become the dominant plant of its day.
In an article published today in the journal Scientific Reports, Baco - Taylor and her team document these reefs and discuss possible explanations for their appearance in areas considered impossibly hostile to reef - forming scleractinia, whose communities are formed by small, stony polyps that settle on the seabed and grow bony skeletons to protect their soft bodies.
The transport of calcium ions to the site of the growing skeleton is one feature for characterizing the controlled process of coral calcification.
The skeleton of a 7 - year - old Neanderthal child revealed that kids of the extinct human species grew up similar to modern humans.
(The most complete skeleton for a T. rex suggests it grew to about 40 feet long.)
The Turkana Boy Homo erectus skeleton belonged to a tall young boy who would probably have grown to around 182 cm (6 feet) in height, but his estimated adult brain size was only 910 cm3, about the size of a 3 or 4 year old modern human child.
The body's demand for calcium is greater during childhood and adolescence, when the skeleton is growing rapidly, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
No these lifts will not stunt your growth but injury is a concern in a skeleton that is still growing.
Surprisingly, or maybe I was just caught off guard, I saw some stand out films in the second half: I finally caught the Somali pirate drama Fishing Without Nets late one night and loved it, same with the dramedy The Skeleton Twins with Bill Hader & Kristen Wiig that was fantastic, and it grows on me the more I think about it.
** This high - quality fan fiction fantasy diary book is for kids, teens, and nerdy grown - ups who love to read epic stories about their favorite game!The very first diary of Skeleton Steve himself!!
Giant breeds have different nutrient needs than even large breeds and most large breed foods are not adequate for their rapidly growing skeletons and bodies.
Bones that grow too quickly are less dense making the skeleton, including joints, weak.
When the Labrador puppy grows too fast, its skeleton could receive too much stress than it can handle.
Scientists have found skeletons of a hobbit - like species of human that grew no larger than a three - year - old modern child.
After the Soviet Union diverted its water for growing cotton, the Aral Sea dried up, leaving the town of Moynak a kind of skeleton.
The bottom of the tunnel is composed of sand so, apart from a few small sections where the tunnel is dark, loss of visibility is not a great concern but be careful to avoid contact with the red algae growing on the walls; the tough exo - skeleton can leave abrasions on careless legs.
The patch also adds a new pet tome collection system to track your growing zoo of inbred animals, some visual changes in the core Wizard City, new loading screens, more skeleton key bosses for newbies and highbies, and plenty of bug fixes.
Much like War in the original «Darksiders,» the masked warrior can chain together combo attacks and occasionally call on the power of his dark side to grow massive skeleton wings, lifting himself up for a devastating final attack.
I think some research shows corals expelling their symbiotic algae at higher temperatures, which will make growing more difficult, leading to greater difficulties in keeping the productive population at the proper depth, and they've got decreased ability to build their calcareous skeletons (due to the dissolving CO2) on top of all that.
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