Sentences with phrase «skeptics used»

While skeptics used to dismiss the notion as a fad with little scientific basis, academic research over two decades in psychology, neuroscience, human development, and yes, business, has validated its benefits for navigating human interactions.»
On this 30th anniversary of the beginning of the ozone depletion debate, it is revealing to review the techniques the skeptics used in the CFC - ozone depletion issue over the past 30 years.
In fact, a supposed news report that is extremely derisive of skeptics used the term «consensus» while mocking those who refused to buy into NOAA's recent revelation.
Recall that the university where Andrew Watson works was implicated, and then vindicated, in the phony scandal called Climategate, in which skeptics used out - of - context bits from stolen e-mails to make it sound as if researchers were engaged in some great conspiracy.
We skeptics used to get treated like that all the time, and I'm missing it a little.
When skeptics used the raw, «unadjusted» numbers, they got Figure 8, which shows a flat temperature trend:
At the time, global warming skeptics used it to support arguments against climate change.
This mystified scientists, but climate change skeptics used it as surefire, «scientific» proof that climate change either wasn't as bad as scientists thought, or it didn't exist, at all.
Proponents of climate change tend to use more conservative, tentative language to report on the science behind it, while skeptics use more emotional and assertive language when reinterpreting scientific studies, says research from the University of Waterloo.
And Xbone has stuck ever since.The term was soon adopted by skeptics using it to derisively refer to the console after its controversial introduction.
Regarding the skpetic plea that taking action would «bad for the economy» - it would be good to see some economists take that to task using an evidence based approach - the skeptics use the «bad for the economy» argument without any convincing evidence base that I am aware of.
I see stupid skeptics use this word all the time when they are argue that the temperature record «tracks» sunspots).
Pretty much twice the speed of anyone else I've interviewed so far... citing lines from obscure scientific papers is an obvious strategy that every global warming skeptic uses, but Mr. Morano does it better than anyone I've ever listened to.»
Unfortunately, some skeptics use this uncertainty to hold the position that the airborne fraction is closer to 0 %.
What I find odd is how the skeptics use entropy and randomness as a convenience crutch, whereby they will invoke it when it serves their agenda, but dismiss it and gravitate toward some esoteric path when it doesn't.
The skeptics use the term CAGW because they see this part of the report as outlining a catastrophic future.
When we Skeptics use anomalies, we play in their arena.
AGW proponents and skeptics use th term uncertainty to mean two different things.
The public use of temperature rather than enthalpy when choosing a metric to explain climate change that has been exposed as problematic with the skeptics using the same methodology as the IPCC communicators to claim the warming has stopped, or that we are actually cooling.
I was curious as to reactions to something I just stumbled across, which is skeptics using a «study» that cites a revision of standards for ground station siting by Michel Leroy of METEO France.
It does not help the case of the science community to come down to the same level — to use the same type of dismissive language — as disingenuousness skeptics use (e.g., to write paranthetically, No kidding!

Not exact matches

Although psychological tests have long been dismissed by skeptics, many companies are using them — with great success — to match employees to jobs that they won't want to leave.
Before Ginkgo can change how consumer products are produced, it's going to have to convince skeptics that bioengineered products are safe to use.
Skeptics voiced concern that the system's anonymity could lead to its use in the trade of illegal goods.
«The need for a business plan simply doesn't exist, and I would argue that making one is a poor use of your most valuable resource: your time,» agrees fellow business plan skeptic Anthony Saladino of Kitchen Cabinet Kings.
But a majority of the visas are awarded to outsourcing firms, sparking criticism by skeptics who say those firms use the visas to fill lower - level information technology jobs.
I used to be something of a skeptic when it came to claims of «filter bubbles» — the sort of epistemic closure that comes from only seeing material you agree with on social platforms.
But some skeptics have wondered if perhaps people with lower well - being are more likely to use social media, rather than social media causing lower well - being.
Some critics of the plan say it resembles a government bailout of the banks, while other skeptics say the banks might not use it because it appears to be too expensive.
A skeptic might argue that this does not necessitate peak coal, because other developing countries home to billions of people are still nowhere near the level of electricity use of the Western world.
Even I, a longtime Bitcoin skeptic, find myself nodding in agreement as she talks about its many practical uses: It is currently an incredibly cost - effective alternative for online music sales, especially when... Read more»
The difficulty with the present use of natural law theory is that it attempts to create a neutral space between theistic believer and autonomy «based skeptic.
I'll have to read this blog but if she uses faith in any context than she was hardly a skeptic because the basil definition of faith is belief without evidence.
I've used the skeptic's bible to find contradictions.
The best the Catholic author can do, then, writing in an overwhelmingly indifferent age, is first sow the seed of doubt in the mind of the skeptic, and secondly, through the use of irony, mock the moral complacency of the politically correct.
«As we go through here, we're seeing [the exhibits] hit on specific questions that skeptics ask or use as a critique.»
«Yeah, right,» said one skeptic, «you foodies will use any excuse for...
I had some skeptics at my table fearing it would be too sweet, but I really think the squash is a nice surprise in there, especially if you use a really sharp white cheddar as part of the base.
At first, you may be a little skeptic about using eggplant instead of dough, but it actually comes out very tasty, especially cooked with coconut oil.
There are plenty of deeper - learning skeptics out there, and one of their chief concerns is that while project - based learning in the hands of a well - trained educator can be used in the classroom in a highly effective way, it is also a technique that is easy for an unprepared teacher to do quite badly.
Those skeptics (and others) point out that in the 1960s and 1970s, «project - based learning» was used in some low - income schools as a euphemism for the practice of having poor kids build Lego models and doodle in coloring books while the rich kids across town learned how to read and do math.
I love the term beta marriage and wished we had used it in The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Skeptics, Realists and Rebels — a reminder that, yes, I am too old to have beta be the first thing that comes to mind when I think of what's new and uncharted — instead of using the name that caused a similar kerfuffle a decade or so ago, a starter marriage.
I am a huge fan of time - limited, renewable marital contracts, which actually have a long, sometimes successful, history, and devote a chapter to it in The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Skeptics, Realists and Rebels (in fact, our contract was used by Mandy Len Catron to draft a relationship contract with her partner, which she wrote about in a Modern Love essay and her new book, How to Fall in Love With Anyone).
We love the term beta marriage and wish we had used it in The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Skeptics, Realists and Rebels instead of using the name that caused a similar kerfuffle a decade or so ago, a starter marriage.
Your assumptions about MANA aren't evidence and I find it laughable that as a «skeptic», you would use that as your «proof».
But numerous skeptics expressed concerns that the agency did not also penalize then - Assembly Speaker Sheldon SIlver, who had secretly used $ 103,800 of public money to settle with a Lopez accuser.
For skeptics of the chronically criticized members of the state Legislature, the 2016 legislative session has often seemed in danger of becoming what some Albany watchdogs used to call a «Seinfeld session» — all about nothing — with big issues languishing.
He used this frame to rebut counter-arguments (which most of the wage hike skeptics haven't been making) that a minimum wage is an unjustified intrusion into the private labor market.
Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner admits in the beginning she was a skeptic about using data and technology to try to fix nagging issues.
If Rudenko confirms Clark's PCR tests using additional gene targets, and if Clark or Rudenko manage to grow Borrelia cultures out of human and lone star tick samples, then even the fiercest skeptics will have to recognize that Southern Lyme strains threaten human health, and that Lyme - like illness deserves Lyme - like treatment.
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