Sentences with word «skeuomorph»

But skeuomorphs tend to outstay their welcome, sometimes persisting even after their originals become obsolete — like those whirring camera shutters.
Detractors say skeuomorphs represent the triumph of familiarity over function.
Your editorial on skeuomorphs (9 June, p 3)-- design features added to new devices to mimic familiar old tech...
«[skeuomorphs], smooth -LSB-...] the transition between one conceptual constellation and another.
The panel had opened with several dictionary definitions of skeuomorphs from Nicholas Herman and Sarah M. Guerin, both of the Université de Montréal.
Sure, it looks cool at first glance to have faux V - twin cylinder heads on the bike, but after a quick think, one wonders why that particular skeuomorph was left in the final design.
Or is the whole concept of an «eBook» simply one great skeuomorph?
Designers have a word for such ornaments, taken from the old and grafted onto the new: skeuomorphs.
In this case, the technique wasn't employed as a weak rhetorical device, but rather as a necessarily informative one, which I will recreate here: a skeuomorph is an «Object or feature that imitates the design of a similar artifact made from another material,» according to the Oxford English Dictionary.
I argue that skeuomorphism is not a typology of things, but rather an activity, and in the present - day context of new technologies and tooling, almost all materials have potential to skeuomorph, to behave as others do.
We've been hearing about Jony Ive taking a sand blaster to iOS 7 for a while now — removing a lot of the heavier textures, gradients, shadows, and skeuomorphs that built up at Apple under Steve Jobs and Scott Forstall.
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