Sentences with phrase «skewed perceptions of»

Thought holes, or cognitive distortions, are skewed perceptions of reality.
However, glossy magazines and the likes of Baywatch have seriously skewed our perceptions of beauty and our expectation levels.
Stress and worry are fueled by our own skewed perception of events.
Though the clearest manifestation of wilful blindness may be the way we overlook the flaws of our loved ones, it can just as easily skew our perceptions of ideas.
Over time, ideals and images skewed our perception of what was OK to share.
So if a Republican senator mostly hears from GOP constituents, and these constituents are more likely to be really passionate about the issue since they are on the side that opposes stricter laws, that's going to give the senator a skewed perception of where voters are on this topic.
He added that slower growth amongst the nation's top craft manufacturers had impacted year - end production figures as well, perhaps skewing the perception of industry growth over all.
The stats are currently skewing the perception of his ability slightly too highly though.
«Living alone for so many years skews your perception of what is an appropriate amount of stuff to keep, store, and save,» he said.
You might find stuff that would've been nice to learn from the guy directly, or you could form an even more skewed perception of who you anticipate him to be.
My mom's logic apparently was that she didn't want me to have a skewed perception of what beauty was.
Where Denis Villeneuve's 2016 sci - fi thriller «Arrival» succeeded in capturing our often - skewed perception of time, raw grief, the existence of a higher power and the expansive depths of the universe, Garland's («Ex Machina») equally heady Annihilation compresses human emotion into lichen and mutating cells.
Because we perceive reality based on a tiny sliver of information, if that information is unbalanced (e.g., ignores the positive and focuses on the negative), we are left with a skewed perception of reality, or a thought hole.
I'm not saying she was right on wither count, but she had a fatalistic streak that could very well have skewed her perception of events.
We also have a skewed perception of our own writing.
Even if investors believed that markets were efficient, a drop of this amount might skew their perception of risk, he said.
For Dawson, historical associations have a part to play in skewing perceptions of value for arcade - style games.
It also speaks to the skewed perception of many «northerners» who import an exotic ingredient from a distant warm climate to eat on a daily basis.
I thought that might skew his perception of funding trends at the international scale.
I also think many attorneys have not had real - life experience in the professional world and have a skewed perception of what being a lawyer really is.
In obscure cases like these it is valuable to have an extensive collection, as the information might be somewhere in there, but it skews the perceptions of library staff on what common research needs are in practice.
The biggest problem with using Social Media for your news content is a phenomenon called the «Social Bubble,» in which you only hear about news from people / groups you agree with, which skews your perception of the world.
Do not skew their perception of their parent.

Not exact matches

These mental shortcuts may let us make quick decisions, but this oversimplification often skews our perception and gets in the way of calm, rational thinking.
As far as hell, some of the aforementioned people that love me, who in your skewed perception, of, I'm guessing everything, would likely qualify as heaven bound.
All the good works done by religious organizations of all kinds (Christian and otherwise) might get a mention in a human interest story sometimes, but decades of this media treatment have skewed public perceptions of what faith is about.
What people's perception of what is taught in the Bible may or may not be quite skewed.
You might say that our perception is skewed, but maybe you are simply arguing yourself out of a truth that is staring you straight in the face.
The words of one religion at the same time, have been used to skew and distort the perceptions of others into believing it's bad, or evil, or heresy of some kind.
However, given what's been flying around the press, and the internet of recent weeks, it could also be that my perception is a bit skewed and I'm reading things that aren't necessarily real!
Certainly, the Premier League is now so extravagantly wealthy — with even larger riches about to flow from a vast new TV deal — it is easy to see how skewed perceptions about the value of European competition could take hold.
When I set out to lose weight and share my journey with my readers, I did not expect to receive more hate mail than encouraging notes... Apparently people's perception of being HEALTHY has been totally skewed by the enormous amount of overweight and obese people in this country.
Perception - skewing shoes can make you feel slimmer, happier and full of energy by retuning your body's soundtrack
«This skewed male body perception hinders the likelihood of seeking healthcare advice,» said Horgan.
On the other hand, patients like Matzke and Epstein could skew perceptions about mind - body effects through a form of reporting bias called the survivor effect.
Specifically, the data may be skewed as a result of predominantly attracting respondents with personal experiences of mental health issues, and they don't investigate the causality between perception of a nonsupportive academic environment and mental health.
Basically, even if you think you're killing it during that cycling class, your perception of the amount of work your body is doing at low levels of discomfort is likely skewed.
While plenty of singles use dating apps like Tinder to find actual relationships, popular perception skews in a much more sensationalized direction.
I think that my perception of that statement is slightly skewed.
I think Emme is not thinking rationally about the amount of blame she assigns to Annie and her perceptions are skewed by her poor relationship with her mother prior to her mother's death.
The case is notable not only for the particularly brutal nature of the crime, but also, in part, because Ruth is a woman, and society's perceptions of women who commit violent crimes is often skewed.
As for responsiveness, anyone who doesn't see a difference between the Paperwhite and the Touch must have a defective unit or, perhaps is so bothered by things like the marbling at the bottom of the screen that their perceptions are somewhat skewed.
The point of my answer was to draw attention to the fact that the threshold was skewing OP's perception, not to predict his exact repayment schedule (there are too many variables), and I think I did that perfectly well.
«[I] was amazed by the difference in western perceptions of the country, and what I saw on the ground... people have a skewed image of what Iran is — the regime actually want to portray the country as a cauldron of anti-western sentiment so they syndicate news footage of chanting nutcases which is happily picked up by overseas networks.
«The juxtaposition of natural and man - made features in combination with the skewing of scale, proportion, and material, helps in creating an altered perception — forcing the viewer to look closer.»
Suspended from the ceiling at a skewed angle and developed with reference to the architecture and history of the museum, the work imposes a foreshortened perspective, evoking unfamiliar registers of perception and creating a rupture in the visual field.
Schoorel gives the viewer a slow - sense of how perception can be skewed, evoking and conjuring up memory through minute and careful expression.
With an emphasis on the formal vocabulary of abstraction, Schoultz exposes the ways in which meaning is manipulated and perception skewed as the locus for civic debate has shifted from the town plaza to the isolated, anonymous realm of cyberspace.
Currently fusing fluid sketching and charcoal work styles from his past with spray paint and distress techniques that he has developed over the years, the viewer will notice major differences in genre between the 2009 and 2010 works: while the current pieces dive into a more figurative and abstract realm, the 2009 series of paintings «With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility» focuses more on a comic - themed visualization of the all - too - human defects of character, faulty perception, and skewed sense of humor.
The rigorous exclusion of dissenting papers from peer - reviewed journals (proven to be assisted by the same authors of RealClimate) has severely skewed the perception toward a bogus consensus to date.
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