Sentences with phrase «skewed ratio»

The horizontal painting has the same area, but in a skewed ratio in order to accommodate its orientation, so it's four - by - nine feet.
Most people have a very skewed ratio of omega - 3 / 6 fats in their which will create many symptoms of illness such as frequent colds and spring allergies.
In fact Artemis Simopolous, M.D., who heads The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health in Washington, D.C believes an improper balance of the omega - 6 and omega - 3 fatty acids predisposes us to chronic diseases - for example, this skewed ratio may increase susceptibility to insulin resistance (often a precursor to diabetes) and high triglycerides, associated with heart disease.
The preferential escape of lighter hydrogen over time would then lead to a skewed ratio of H2O to HDO on Mars, indicative of how much water has escaped into space.
Reactions involving neutrinos and antineutrinos in the early universe could have skewed the ratio of matter and antimatter production, leading to our matter - dominated universe.
It is in China, however, where population control has been stringent, that two nasty side effects appear most clearly: the world's most rapidly aging society and a dangerously skewed ratio between boys and girls.
Eating breakfast cereal, in particular, seemed to skew the ratio towards boys.
For example, according to the Shettles method, having sex as close to the moment of ovulation as possible is supposed to skew the ratio towards boys: the Y chromosome is smaller, so the reasoning is that Y - carrying sperm swim faster and are first to reach the egg.
However, most vegetable oils skew your ratio as high as 20:1 or even 30:1 in favor of harmful inflammatory omega - 6 fats.
And they could skew that ratio uh — up.
One way to skew your ratio of omega fatty acids towards omega - 3s is to cook with olive oil, which does not contain omega - 3s or -6 s, instead of vegetable oils like corn oil.
Don't forget, crooks can try illegal activities via an unsuspecting REALTOR (r) as well, potentially further skewing the ratio against REALTOR (r) s.

Not exact matches

But clearly the ratio of people at the company was heavily skewed toward engineering.
The job applicant ratio is skewed such that there are about six jobs available per candidate, he said.
The service will walk users through opening a 529 account, recommend a savings goal and manage the account — slowly skewing conservative as the child approaches college age — for an all - in fee of no more than 0.46 %, depending on investment expense ratios.
Lawyers, doctors, and people getting finances / business / engineering degrees at top notch schools skew the average debt ratios.
While Japan's talent footprint is significant, it is clear that their ratios are skewed towards academia: 117 conference presenters versus 204 LinkedIn profiles, significantly lower than China, Singapore, and South Korea.
One off abnormalities in results or earnings, for example, can temporarily skew valuation ratios.
By comparison, the ratio for Toronto rose to 8.3 in 2016 and was 4.9 for Canada, which is skewed higher by the two cities, while 3 or less is considered affordable.
While the forecasters are quoting huge numbers for the future, we believe that at the current prices, the risk to reward ratio is skewed to the downside in the short - term.
However, it may pay to be wary of entering the market at this late stage, as risk / reward ratios tend to become unfavorably skewed late in a cycle.
«Sometimes a higher down payment may be asked, and the fact that you will likely be required to pay a monthly condo association fee can skew your debt - to - income ratio negatively,» says Klaus Gonche, Realtor with Fort Lauderdale - headquartered Century 21 Hansen Realty.
Because more than 90 percent of prisoners are men, their absence skews the gender ratio.
Besides skewing the sex ratio, the hormone could be disrupting the animals» reproduction, a concern because American crocodiles are already listed as vulnerable, and this part of Costa Rica is a stronghold for the species.
FEELING THE HEAT Climate change may skew the sex ratios of sea turtles (loggerhead shown), but that could be a small worry compared with the dangers of overheated nests.
He also confirmed that, as a general rule, men produce approximately 50 per cent X-bearing and 50 per cent Y - bearing sperm, with one possible exception: the ratio of male and female sperm may be skewed in men exposed to high levels of hormone - disrupting chemicals or radiation.
He realized that the skewed oxygen isotope ratios could be explained if the rock had been exposed to martian air or water for a long period.
To find out if global warming might skew the sex ratio of hatchlings, Rory Telemeco and his colleagues at Iowa State University in Ames developed a mathematical model to predict the sex ratio of eggs laid at different temperatures.
Owing to a quirk of ant reproductive biology, the female workers are three times more closely related to the queen's female offspring than they are to the males, so, in theory, the female workers should skew the sex ratio in favor of females.
It remains unclear what evolutionary purpose is served by such skewed sex ratios.
When we looked (after a story count showed a skewed authorship ratio in print features), we found that we have about a 50 — 50 male - female overall average for writers over the course of a year.
Some sea lamprey populations have skewed sex ratios, but the reasons why have remained a biological mystery for decades.
They stress that inclusive fitness ideas have helped yield insights into many biological phenomena, such as why social insects have skewed sex ratios.
In laboratory tests, just a few tens of nanograms of these compounds per litre can skew sex ratios and decrease fertility in fish.
These skewed sex ratios cripple the species» reproductive capacity for each breeding season.
Stranger still, parasitologist Jaroslav Flegr of Charles University in Prague thinks T. gondii could also be skewing our sex ratios.
Evolutionary biologists say male mortality, which is overall higher than that of females, explains the male bias in sex ratio: A slightly skewed sex ratio at birth that favors males ensures that there are roughly an equal number of males and females of reproductive age.
Demographic studies since the 1980s have suggested son preference and sex - selective abortions of girls were the main causes of the skewed sex ratio in these countries.
The boys with the lowest ratios also were the ones whose abilities were most skewed in the direction of math rather than literacy.
The queen then sought out the larger cells and, on average, laid nearly three times as many drone eggs as usual, apparently making up for the skewed hive gender ratio that resulted from her incarceration, the researchers report in the November / December issue of Behavioural Ecology.
Although some non-biological chemical reactions can create such high light - carbon ratios (McCollom and Seeward, 2006), those found were so skewed towards Carbon - 12 that it's unclear exactly how such reactions could have created such abundances.
What is known from global studies is that exposure to biologically active compounds, even at ng / L concentrations, can impact endocrine systems in nature and manifest as negative impacts like altered gene regulation, the presence of mixed reproductive tissues (intersex) and skewed sex ratios.
The unhealthy Omega 3 to 6 ratio that is heavily skewed toward Omega 6 is very inflammatory to your body, and is thought to increase chances of heart disease and overall bodily inflammation.
I wouldn't recommend it, as your ratio of pushing to pulling exercises will be skewed if you do.
With too much calcium, the ratios are skewed, and the pump allows too much calcium into the cells.
The — All those stressful episodes can easily pull that Progesterone down, and basically start skewing you in the Estrogen Dominance, where that ratio of Progesterone, which is typically like 23 to 25 times higher than Estrogen.
The more inflammation that's going on there that's gonna take your hormones out of balance because with the more inflamed you are, Cortisol's gonna increase, Insulin maybe out of balance, that may skew your progesterone to estrogen ratio, «cause you'll pull progesterone downstream to anti-inflammatory Cortisol so that can create more estrogen dominance.
High fructose corn syrup is inferior to table sugar because as the name suggests, its ratio is skewed towards fructose.
Hence it's highly likely that estrogen dominance will lead to the ratio between the two androgens, testosterone and DHT, becoming skewed far too much in favour of DHT.
Surveys have shown that paleo is evenly split between men and women — eating real food isn't a male or female thing — but an even sex ratio is still heavily male relative to most other dietary approaches, which tend to skew female.
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