Sentences with phrase «skewed views of»

Essentially, there are certain people with skewed views of relationships who are both less committed and like to plop themselves in front of the TV for a Sex in the City marathon.
The scene turns a potentially educational moment into a joke by giving into certain people's skewed views of breastfeeding.
However here I think you have a skewed view of it.
If this turns out to be the case (that he has a skewed view of Jesus), then I want to ask him if, in his lifelong quest for truth, he has ever read about Jesus from Scripture, rather than just hearing about Jesus from others.
These Americans (who are becoming a larger fraction of the electorate every year) have a particularly skewed view of our political debate.
The whole quandary really reached a climax when I visited India, where I spent enough time with orphans, widows, and AIDS patients to realize that Americans have a skewed view of blessings.
So I apologize for those who have given you a skewed view of who Christians are.
YOu have an awefully skewed view of history.
But is that somehow skewing our view of romance?
Long - held assumptions about our place in the cosmos could be skewing our view of it — but is there a viable alternative, asks Chris Clarkson
These maps skew their view of themselves and the world.
It's interesting how misleading photos can be, and how you genuinely can form a completely skewed view of someone even when you are chatting over texts and dating site emails.
The movie holds our attention, although it is fragmented and doesn't follow a traditional narrative, but this structure reflects Cathryn's unstable mind and her skewed view of the world.
A big part of the reason why comes from the film playing more like a comical character study with a world events backdrop, letting us see the craziness that would be front page headlines through the filtered and skewed view of a man whose own political views stemmed more through favors and paybacks than through heartfelt convictions.
The desire to wallow in its stereotypes and weirdly skewed view of the world just hasn't been there.
«We get a skewed view of how the country is doing from the politicians and media,» Herbert said.
This leads to the second, much broader point of success and our skewed view of how success is manifested:
I realised i knew far more than the classes thought, and worse, sometimes an MFA can give you a very skewed view of being a writer in the digital world (read: pro traditional publishing)
Beam Theatre — one of Edinburgh's newest companies who focus on collaboration to produce high - quality theatre in a non-professional capacity — present the Scottish premiere of a skewed view of sex and
Assuming that Pitchford doesn't have a skewed view of Battleborn «s current relationship with the gaming public at large, he was most likely referring to Gearbox going all - in on Borderlands 3.
That presents a skewed view of the industry's history and points toward a recent inflation of sorts in game reviews.
I just find that job seekers often have a skewed view of what's important to a hiring manager.
Beneficiaries might have a skewed view of the fair market value of the home.

Not exact matches

But the letter writers and their allies argue that at the very least the Fed's lack of representation could be skewing the way policymakers view the economy.
Of course, it doesn't matter because people who want to believe a skewed partisan idea will do so, no matter how many balanced views they are presented.
@ «I feel sorry» — I will gladly correct your skewed uneducated view of our nation's founding at every opportunity.
If your view is skewed from reality because of your religion, then how you treat them will not only be skewed, but unrealistic as well.
I said: @fred You seem to have a skewed and terribly limited view of what atheists are.
Without being overly critical of your modus operandi in any particular way, you might wonder at honestanon's actual point of view, skewed though it might be.
Having been in full - time ministry for years and now not being in it... I see how when I was in full - time ministry that my view of things was a bit skewed.
Many religions, unfortunately, skew the education of their members to the extent that they are incapable of viewing their religion in its social context, and therefore do not, and can not, understand the societal benefit of the freedomd to grow and change and learn as a society.
If the skewed and contrived view of one keyboard wanabee manager / tactical supremo is deemed to be unassailably true then we are in a whole heap of trouble.
Some teenagers are dogmatic and judgmental of each other and if these conversations took place only in the hallways of the school, the view of breastfeeding and the shared knowledge base could end up very skewed.
Her use of statistics across her work is generally pretty skewed and i just think that women deserve and unbiased view about home birth.
Wealthy contributors helping their favored candidates win elections would not systemically skew politics or policy outcomes if these well - heeled donors were like the rest of us, if on average they had the same life experiences, opinions about issues, and political views as average - earning citizens.
That said, I'm sure my view of the situation is skewed, both as someone who is participating in the 30 for 30, and as someone who was not part of the initial discussion — so I'll certainly be checking back to hear more from those who don't like this challenge.
I guess my view of autumn is skewed by the fact I'm British but now live in California, so I like to play with colour.
But speaking as one not of the demographic, and having seen the first film and enjoyed Dudley Moore's antics, my repeat viewing of the remake comes from an admittedly skewed lens.
Employing such techniques as Godardian jump cuts and ellipses, expressive camera moves and angles, and garish colors, all punctuated by Bernard Herrmann's eerie final score (finished the day he died), Scorsese presents a Manhattan skewed through Travis» point - of - view, where De Niro's now - famous «You talkin'to me» improv becomes one more sign of Travis» madness.
(Or maybe it wasn't so skewed — as we see from some of their vintage home movies, their apartment gave a good view of the World Trade Center circa 2000, scene of the century's most cinematic catastrophe.)
Mohammed's central performance is commendable as the rebellious, angel - faced tomboy with a cheeky façade and a skewed moral compass: she presents a refreshingly optimistic view of youth in revolt.
Each of the three main characters skews the events to their point of view, leaving the viewer to decide which of the three sees it most clearly.
Reyes delivers the skewed - eye view of life in the drug world.
Perhaps it's the change of pace offered to someone on a hearty viewing diet that skews heavily to 21st century films.
The movie hardly lets a minute pass without doling out at least three or four jokes, but most of them can only get laughs because they are based in reality, skewing and sending up a relatable thought process, world view, or experience.
In my experience the MAP promotes a skewed and inflated view of development for parents and children.
(Full disclosure: I know well, and have the utmost respect for, my Education Northwest colleagues who work on NW RISE, so my views of their work are positively skewed.)
At this point, my bias in publishing would (you think) skew me to take Howey's point of view on things.
Oh and I know quite a few Democrats who support gun rights as much if not more than the Republicans that I know, so you might want to adjust your political prejudices to reality instead of your skewed version, start viewing people as people and look at facts instead of your own prejudices.
Most of the earlier comments and views were completely skewed against retirement funds based on comparing the features of the scheme without keeping the investor in mind.
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