Sentences with phrase «skews male»

It's exactly the kind of film that money - focused studios are afraid of — intelligent, thoughtful and led by women in a genre whose «traditional» fanbase skews male.
But when a lack of early experience is accompanied by a masculine culture, the gender proportion skews male.
The dismissive group also skews male and conservative, said «Six Americas» co-author, Edward Maibach, director of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.
But as smartwatches take off in 2015 and 2016, we expect these devices to skew male.
Perhaps because of this focus on relationships, smartphone addicts tend to be female whereas internet addicts skew male, though statistics on the exact gender split are hard to come by.
For example, teens prefer Instagram, Twitter is skewed male, and approximately 80 % of a politician's Facebook audience lives in his or her district.
However, despite the clear skew towards men in the dox files, the authors say it would be wrong to conclude that men are more likely than women to be doxed: most of the targets identified in the study were identified as either hackers or gamers, both groups that tend to skew male to begin with.
Researchers were examining the genomes of these mammoths for a separate study into mammoth population genetics when they noticed that their dead remains skewed male: About 70 % of those caught in natural traps carried a Y chromosome.
The researchers disqualified data from patients who received blood from both men and women — and because men can donate blood more often than women, the pool was already skewed male, he notes.
«This skewed male body perception hinders the likelihood of seeking healthcare advice,» said Horgan.
In the beginning when Facebook launched, this was not seen, but it's a common trend these days with the skewed male / female ratio, peer pressure to show off your girl to the buddies, and just plain, stupid people horsing around with you just for kicks.
Because of the skewed male: female ratio on most dating sites, Tinder included, Women can pick and choose.
Amilyn is a wonderful addition and shows how females have remained important despite the war room in Star Wars: The Force Awakens skewing male.
While young buyers are obligatory in this segment, they also see those who would opt for the five - door as more image oriented, performance - focused do - it - yourselfers that a skew male in comparison to Civic sedan and coupe buyers.
She was also outspokenly opposed to routinely hosting shows of work by white men, as museums have traditionally skewed male - heavy.
Instead, it falls on all of Hollywood, where film studio executive boards still skew male.

Not exact matches

Whereas the traditional «actives» skewed heavily to the baby boom and senior generations, this new group is driven by members of gen X and Y, and sees more males spending on luxury goods and services than has traditionally been the norm.
The site skews more toward female users (33 percent) rather than male users (8 percent) and users also tend to be on the «affluent side.»
Men and women can create billion - dollar companies, but the current VC model, because it is largely run by men, is skewed to favor the style of male - run companies.
He also confirmed that, as a general rule, men produce approximately 50 per cent X-bearing and 50 per cent Y - bearing sperm, with one possible exception: the ratio of male and female sperm may be skewed in men exposed to high levels of hormone - disrupting chemicals or radiation.
Owing to a quirk of ant reproductive biology, the female workers are three times more closely related to the queen's female offspring than they are to the males, so, in theory, the female workers should skew the sex ratio in favor of females.
Some majored in math, an area traditionally thought of as male dominated; some in English, which skews female; and some in business, which is considered gender - neutral according to a survey she conducted prior to distributing the applications.
«I was surprised how «gender blind» the premises, analysis and conclusions were, starting with the definition of what constitutes an «elite life scientist,»» which heavily skewed the sample toward male representation, Pollitzer writes in an email to Science Careers.
Specifically, a gene called Overdrive acts as a «selfish element» and skews sperm production so that hybrid males mainly make sperm carrying X chromosomes.
When we looked (after a story count showed a skewed authorship ratio in print features), we found that we have about a 50 — 50 male - female overall average for writers over the course of a year.
Female preemies tend to do better than males do, especially where language is concerned, so the imbalance could have skewed the group's analysis to favor a positive result.
During the study, environments lacking plentiful food were male - skewed, with 78 percent of sea lampreys becoming male after three years, whereas environments more conducive to growth produced only 56 percent males.
Evolutionary biologists say male mortality, which is overall higher than that of females, explains the male bias in sex ratio: A slightly skewed sex ratio at birth that favors males ensures that there are roughly an equal number of males and females of reproductive age.
He estimates that by culling females, managers could skew the herds in favor of males and in 40 years boost ivory production to 17,500 kg annually, mostly from natural deaths.
Surveys have shown that paleo is evenly split between men and women — eating real food isn't a male or female thing — but an even sex ratio is still heavily male relative to most other dietary approaches, which tend to skew female.
I've had a sneaking suspicion now for months that so much of the IF hype is skewed towards males.
«Every aspect of it is skewed in favor of men, which frequently leaves women feeling at the mercy of male daters.
The demographic split is roughly 55 % female and 45 % male, skewing slightly more toward the ladies perhaps due to its core message of «keeping out the creeps.»
The site skews slightly towards more male users, with the average age of users being 32.
Hore is one many Albertans that is part of a male - skewed...
Director Ryan Coogler (Fruitvale Station & Creed) enters «the big leagues» with Marvel's Black Panther, a somewhat monumental feat for the studio that has mostly featured films that skew towards the white male demographic.
The audience skewed slightly more male, with 55 % male moviegoers compared to 45 % female according.
Even on IMDb, a site which skews towards serious and discerning young male moviegoers, the film carries a fairly average 6.9 out of 10 user rating.
It's a very male - skewing movie in more ways than one (the female characters are beyond secondary) and you can not argue there is an element of the Academy that falls for those types of films.
But Moonlight «s success aside, the Oscar's don't just skew disproportionally white, the type of stories that the Academy tends to recognize often center a straight white male, with women and people of color acting as side characters.
The twelve people who were polled range in age from 20 to 43, and skew slightly more female to male.
So often, healthcare is still skewed toward only male family members receiving care and acting as the family healthcare decision - makers.
Other urban districts also have begun to focus on minority males to reduce the achievement gap or address skewed discipline statistics or stereotypes, all issues that have been magnified since the shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., in August.
Conversely, the middle level and secondary participants represented a slightly skewed demographic, weighted more heavily toward males than the research depicts (Santoro, 2009).
More than 1.2 million students in the United States and Canada drop out of high school each year (with the percentages skewed toward males, low - income and minority students).
Clearly, Hyundai is going for two completely different sets of buyers with the sedan and the coupe — my guess is that the coupe skews toward younger buyers with a larger percentage of them male.
Surprisingly, frequent listeners — of at least four audiobooks a month — skew 56 % male.
But when you look at the best - sellers list in most genres (not those considered «girly» and therefore unread by the majority of men), the balance still skews dramatically towards the male protagonist (and, generally, male writer).
Tablet buyers, meanwhile, are skewing even more male, and younger compared to buyers of e-readers.
It's also possible although I have no idea if this is true, that kickstarter's user base skews towards men which may lead to a higher percentage of male backers relative to male players.
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