Sentences with phrase «skills as a side effect»

Casual and serious games and simulations develop skills as a side effect of game play.

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According to Andreassen, the study's senior author, some think of schizophrenia as a «side effect» arising from advantageous variants in genes that are related to the development of human traits, such as cognitive and language skills, that may have increased risks for developing psychoses.
Bird's proven hand at creating spectacular and imaginative set pieces (a chase in a raging sandstorm; an insane parking garage fight that's Pixar - ready) is in full effect here as well as a heretofore unseen skill at nailbiting suspense (a sequence of Cruise — not a double — scaling the side of the world's tallest building is by far the best non-documentary use of large format IMAX photography to date).
The more difficult success factors in just about any field come from more human skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity, all of which are developed as a side effect of gameplay in MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft.
Skilled personal injury attorneys understand that pedestrian accident victims commonly develop serious psychological side effects, such as:
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