Sentences with phrase «skills lack depth»

Your skills lack depth and can not stand alone.

Not exact matches

The game has all the components of a good leisure side - scrolling semi-strategy, with upgradable units, shops, money, grenade throwing and so on but it lacks depth: there is no story really, there is no premise, tutorials are silly as the whole writing overall, enemies are not explained (nor their skills), and strategy pretty much boils down to clicking on whatever units cools down first (to produce that unit and storm the enemy's portal).
On one hand its extremely easy to pick up and play in mere minutes, but on the other hand its lack of any kind depth on skills and equipment customization hurt, somewhat, the experience on the long term.
This is both a good and bad thing, because while it may lack the depth needed for serious competitors, it does allow for more casual fun for all ages and skill levels.
Students often lack the much - needed elements such as proper assignment writing skills, in - depth knowledge of the subject, or adequate time which are required to draft a winning scholastic paper on finance.
If you lack the skill to do in depth research, put together a diverse basket of net net stocks.
Many also lack management depth and depend on the skills of one or two top executives.
The RPG mechanics lack depth or meaningful choices that have lasting repercussions, there aren't a lot of skills to choose from and chances to develop and shape your character are slim on the ground.
If they are too easy to execute the game lacks skill and depth.
On one hand its extremely easy to pick up and play in mere minutes, but on the other hand its lack of any kind depth on skills and equipment customization hurt, somewhat, the experience on the long term.
The upgrades feel a bit underwhelming, especially since there are only three actual combat skills you can unlock which adds more to my complaint to the lack of depth in Killer is Dead's combat.
There are strategies for overshadowing lack of education in your resume, like going with a combination resume format that highlights the broadness and depth of your knowledge and skill set relevant to the position and company.
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