Sentences with phrase «skin baby butt»

Not exact matches

All babies are beautiful, whether they are chubby or not, and if a cloth diaper is safer for my baby's skin, who the hell cares if it makes their adorable butts look big?
Depending on which butt paste you purchase, these creams might be a blend of zinc oxide and ingredients meant to increase the barrier between your baby's skin and his diaper.
I mean, at 32, I want skin as smooth as a baby's butt.
Also, my skin was baby - butt smooth.
It's true what all the reviewers have raved about — after one use it made my skin feel clean and baby butt smooth.
The Coconut Lime Breeze body wash is another one of my favorites because of how milky and creamy it is, and also leaves my skin feeling baby butt soft.
I do however, think I have found the secret to flawless skin, but there'll be more on that in an upcoming post because I'm feeling nice & want to share my secret with you, so follow below if you'd like a baby butt face too.
Lack of hair on the face, in the bikini zone and under the armpits are their main bonuses, they hide the equipment for epilation, and man thinks that he lives with a fairy, whose skin becomes smooth, like a baby's butt, by the stroke of a magic wand.
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