Sentences with phrase «skin culture»

Again, it is uncommon to do skin cultures unless initial treatments fail.
In some more severe cases, bacterial skin cultures with subsequent antibiotic sensitivity tests on the bacteria found are desirable to determine which antibiotics are liable to be the most helpful.
More expensive but sometimes necessary tests include skin cultures and skin biopsies.
Skin culture for fungal such as ringworm diagnosis.
Development of a skin culture model using a bioreactor with a combination of shear and compressive mechanical stimulation.
However, if his skin condition does not improve over the next week, we will need to do a skin culture to determine the extent of his infection.
Therefore, a complete physical examination and appropriate diagnostic tests (such as skin scraping, skin cytology, blood testing, skin culture, or biopsies) may be recommended based on your pet's symptoms.
Your veterinarian may employ several diagnostic methods to confirm the presence of ringworm, including a skin culture or examination of skin and hair cells using an ultraviolet light called a Wood's lamp.
Once your veterinarian has confirmed the presence of Staphylococcus bacteria through a skin culture, she will likely recommend your dog receive a full course of antibiotics.
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