Sentences with phrase «skin incision»

The phrase "skin incision" means making a cut or opening in the skin with a sharp tool, like a scalpel, during a medical procedure. Full definition
The Penrose drain is a length of soft rubber tubing that is applied by inserting one end of the tubing into the wound or surgical site; then tunneling the tubing ventrally toward a small skin incision where it exits the body.
During shunt placement, a tiny skin incision is made on the maternal abdomen.
It may sound odd, but «super glue» aka cyanoacrylate adhesive can be and sometimes is used to close skin incisions or wounds in place of stitches.
Ötzi's 61 tattoos — groups of dark lines on his left wrist, lower legs, back and ribs — were produced by rubbing charcoal into skin incisions.
«The conventional approach to excising these tumors involves long skin incisions and removal of a large piece of skull.
The checklist identifies specific tasks that should be completed during three different phases of surgery — before anesthesia is administered, before skin incision, and before the patient leaves the O.R.
Treatment with a Class IV laser may help heal wounds, treat skin disorders such as lick granuloma, and help surgical skin incisions heal faster.
We provide additional fluids and extra pain relievers to pregnant cats to compensate for the larger skin incision and fluid loss.
A superficial skin incision is made near the surgery site, green tattoo ink is applied along with tissue glue.
A small skin incision is made in the maternal abdominal wall and a trocar (a small metal tube) is inserted through the abdomen and uterus using ultrasound guidance.
When the cat is a male, or when the female tract is too narrow, the bladder can be approached through a tiny skin incision (percutaneously).
Locations of Ötzi's tattoos, which consist of groups of lines created by rubbing charcoal into skin incisions, are denoted by red boxes.
The skin incision may be transverse (horizontal or «bikini») or vertical, near the pubic hairline.
This index was assessed at several stages including intubation and skin incision, which were designated «noxious» stimuli that would be painful in the conscious person, and where then compared to other non-painful periods.
In one controlled trial of surgery for angina, half the people with the condition underwent an operation in which doctors merely made a skin incision and closed it up; in the other half, the patients had a particular kind of bypass.
This surgery removes the testicles through a skin incision.
Treatment of cruciate and meniscal tears as well as elbow dysplasia are commonly performed with arthroscopy allowing for only 2 - 4 mm (1/4 inch) skin incisions.
The skin incision is closed with stitches or surgical adhesive.
The area was scrubbed aseptically and a small skin incision was made over it.
The vet used two layers of suture material in all the skin incision lines: conventional stitches, which the vet would remove in 10 days and internal stitches that will dissolve or go away on their own, over the next 3 to 4 months.
A skin incision will be made overlying the affected area (incisional biopsy) or around the lesion (excisional biopsy).
The surgeon will create a skin incision surrounding the ear, then carefully cut through the underlying tissues so that the ear canal can be removed as one intact cylinder.
The skin incision may or may not have stitches.
«A physical exam showed that all his skin incisions had healed very nicely and his hair already is growing back.
When a dog is cat - size and the diameter of the tract is too narrow, the bladder can be approached through a tiny skin incision (percutaneously).
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