Sentences with phrase «skin irritation if»

Types of Plants in the Yard — Sellers may have plants in their yard that may be toxic to children or pets or produce significant skin irritation if improperly handled.
Lighter fluid can also cause skin irritation if it comes into contact with their skin.
The skin may also develop skin irritation if frequent baths are given to the dog.
One note: while coconut oil may offer relief, it won't correct a skin irritation if the culprit is an allergy or something that requires veterinary attention.
I do not use any essential oils in this formula, due to the risk of any harsh skin irritations if not diluted properly.
Just like humans, pets can develop allergies reactions and skin irritations if the materials close to their skin have harsh chemicals or other irritants used to manufacture them.
Poor Brando has allergic dermatitis which could develop lesions or skin irritations if not monitored.

Not exact matches

If you have regular skin that isn't susceptible to irritation and you shave regularly enough to where you won't be hacking at a Grizzly Adams - level beard, then this shaving cream is a fine choice.
If you inhale it, palytoxin can cause coughing, fever, headache, increased heart rate, sore throat, difficulty breathing, skin rashes, muscle pain, eye irritation, and more.
If it is irritation that caused you to turn to the electric shaver, be sure to consider trying a safety razor as well as using a quality shaving cream for sensitive skin and one of the best aftershave balms.
So, if you're sick and tired of the pain, irritation and dry skin that seems to come with shaving, don't throw away the razor (unless it a cruddy cartridge razor, then yes throw it away and pick up one of these top safety razors) and opt for the bearded look just yet, as any of the products on our list of the best aftershave balms may help you discover that a close shave and comfort can go hand in hand.
I find that if I use it on my face while I sleep, on any areas with redness or sensitive skin irritations, these will almost disappear overnight.
The stems contain a substance that can cause irritation if they come into contact with the skin.
If you notice some skin irritations on your baby, you can do some of this steps.
It is possible that some customers may be allergic to the organic products in this balm, so pay close attention to what's in the ingredients list before you buy it if you tend to have allergies or skin irritation from certain ingredients.
Lanolin is also very moisturizing, so if you keep some on hand it's great for... MORE combating winter dry skin or minor irritations.
If your baby has allergies or skin irritations, you'll be pleased to know that pure cotton is hypoallergenic.
If you are worried about rashes or skin irritation, the Overnights Diapers feature an Absorb Away Liner that draws moisture and messes away from your child's skin.
If it is too loose or too tight, you can have leak problems along with discomfort and skin irritation.
Testing is done to see if products cause irritation and inflammation when placed on the skin.
If you choose to add chlorine bleach, select a non-scented variety to avoid any possible skin irritation from the fragrance.
Observe you child behavior and if you see any signs of skin irritation or urinary tract infection, consult with your child's pediatrician.
If your baby's skin is showing signs of itchiness and irritation there are a number of baby skin conditions which could be the culprit.
Going a step further, even if the Succinic Acid can be absorbed through your child's skin without causing skin irritation, there is no research to support the claims that it acts as a pain reliever — plenty of internet anecdotes from believing parents, yes, but no randomized controlled trials.
If your baby has especially sensitive skin, they will help reduce the irritation if he or she wets their diaper during the night and sleeps with it on for too lonIf your baby has especially sensitive skin, they will help reduce the irritation if he or she wets their diaper during the night and sleeps with it on for too lonif he or she wets their diaper during the night and sleeps with it on for too long.
Citrus (and tomatoes) are very acidic and can cause skin irritation from contact or tummy upset if fed in larger quantities.
All of the ingredients were selected to relieve skin irritation, comfort your child if they are sore, and reduce the diaper rash.
If your patients experience a persistent rash or skin irritation, they should stop using this skin cream and contact you or another doctor.
If the irritation or burning sensation persist, your patients can stop using this skin cream until the irritation subsides, then gradually increase their use of this brightening cream until they build up their skin's tolerance.
If you do use a wipe recipe, watch for any irritation on the skin.
This can turn into a strong diaper rash, but if cream is applied early on, when the skin is only red and not breaking out in welts, then further irritation of the skin can be avoided.
By cloth diapering, you are already doing half of the work to protect your little one's most sensitive skin but, if and when irritation occurs, CJ's BUTTer Spritz.
And, if fleece gets wet (I'm looking at you, leaky diapers), moisture is trapped against baby's delicate skin, and can potentially cause a rash or irritation.
If you want to rub some essential oil to your baby, always dilute it with carrier oils before applying it — lest you want your child to have skin irritations and inflammation.
If that's not it either, your baby's cries could be prompted by a small irritation, like a hair wrapped around a finger or a clothing label scratching her skin.
Humid weather is the culprit for this skin irritation, but it can happen in winter too if your baby is over-bundled.
Moreover, the quality of absorption will tell you if a diaper can protect the skin of your baby from moisture, which can cause rashes and other skin irritations.
There's no question the stuff is pretty magical — if your aim's any good, a squirt is great for your tiny squirt's pinkeye, stuffed nose, bum rash and skin irritations.
It's easy to believe that your baby wouldn't have diaper rash if you'd remembered to change his diaper more often or used the right cream or ointment or powder to protect his delicate skin from irritation.
The design is caged / blinds pattern to let in air ventilation and prevent moisture buildup that can cause skin irritation, so you don't feel uncomfortable if you wear it for long periods of time.
If this gets very dry, the skin suffers from itching, irritation and looks dull.
If your baby's skin is exposed to too much drool, it can cause irritation and may even cause further redder cheeks.
If this serum causes skin irritation, your patients should rinse it off with water.
If this skin irritation persists, your patients should consult you or another doctor.
If your patients develop a persistent rash or skin irritation, they should stop using this skin cleanser.
If a biting bug lands on your arm, he says, it's best to flick it off with a finger, as squashing it on the skin could cause it to bite, resulting in skin irritation or injury.
If it were to escape into the atmosphere, it would dissipate so rapidly that it wouldn't be able to cause anything more than skin irritation and a bad smell, said Ferguson.
If the radioactive metal enters the eyes or comes in contact with skin, it causes severe irritation [3].
If any unpleasant skin irritation occurs, stop use and check in with a health professional about your reaction.
If you start to notice any itching or irritation on your outer skin, switch to a loose cotton pair of undies instead.
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