Sentences with phrase «skin on one's breasts»

Try to leave as much skin on breast as possible.
I used bone in skin on breasts and they were juicy and flavorful.
You might also notice cracked or shining skin on your breast or nipples, redness, or a burning sensation.
Dry Air: The air in certain climates or during the winter months can cause dry, irritated, cracked skin on the breast and nipples.
They appear to lay even with the areola and the surrounding skin on your breast.
Some women report itchy skin on their breasts during periods of growth, and some experience itchy skin on their bellies as their bumps increase in size.
Speak to your doc if you notice any of the following: red or scaling skin on your breast; a change in skin texture (for example, larger pores); tender nipples that don't occur around your period; swelling or shrinking on one side of the breast; a nipple that turns inward; or spontaneous nipple discharge (if you're not breastfeeding or pregnant).
While making this soup although I used chicken drumsticks for the chicken skin, a whole chicken can be used by deboning the breast and using it in the soup, the carcass to use in the stock and the skin on the breast for the crispy chicken skin.
Carefully slide your fingers underneath the skin on each breast, thigh, and at the neck to loosen the skin.
To avoid tearing the skin on the breast or thighs, turn the chickens over by picking them up from the ends of the drumsticks.
Nipple Shields and Breast Shells: You can get blisters if you wear breast shells or use nipple shields that constantly rub against your nipple, areola, or the skin on your breast.
However, if you develop a breastfeeding blister, or friction blister, from the rubbing of your baby's mouth against the skin on your breast, it may be painful, but it's safe to continue to breastfeed.
When you wash your breasts, rinse them with warm water and avoid using any harsh soaps that can dry out, irritate, and crack the skin on your breasts and your nipples.
If you're going tanning while breastfeeding, it's important to cover your breasts and nipples so that the harsh rays won't affect the skin on the breast or your milk supply.
If the skin on your breasts becomes tight and your nipples flatten out, your baby may have a hard time latching on.
These are really common in the early months of breastfeeding and are basically where the skin on the breast overgrows one of the milk ducts and blocks it.
Your doctor will examine your breasts and the skin on your breasts, as well as check for nipple problems and discharge.
Lots of women don't realize that the skin on the breast can offer important health information, too.
These may include the presence of a lump in the breast or under the arm, nipple pain or discharge, or dimpling of the skin on the breast.
Greek salad dressing under the skin on the breasts will give it a wonderful herb zest.
1 whole chickens, cut up into 4 pieces (I keep the legs and thighs together and keep the bones and skin on the breasts)
Once you've worked under the skin on the breast, you can insinuate your finger under the skin where the thigh joins the body — there is a tissue - thin layer of, well, tissue there that is easily breached without breaching the skin itself.
The second requires more patience: when you've loosened the skin on the breast, carefully work your way down to the thighs.
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