Sentences with phrase «skin sores ooze»

Mange dog skin sores ooze and crust over along with hair loss and itch.

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If the skin has blisters, open sores, patches of scabs with oozing fluids or moderate bleeding, these should be brought to the attention of your baby's pediatrician for further treatment.
Small red spots on the face that turn into skin sores that ooze and crust are a symptom of impetigo, a skin infection that usually affects children.
The warning signs of melanoma — a particularly dangerous form of skin cancer — include a sore that doesn't heal, is painful, oozes, or bleeds.
They often have skin sores with oozing pus and patches of lost hair.
One of the first signs of the illness, however, is round, oozing sores on the skin.
The presented as redness of the skin, smelly discharge, open sores and oozing.
As the condition progresses there may be hair loss, broken hairs, oozing or crusty sores, pimply bumps and general redness and inflammation of the skin.
A hot spot is a red, moist, and exudative (oozing) sore on the skin produced by the dog constantly biting or scratching at a part of his or her body in an attempt to alleviate some pain or itch.
-- Itchy, painful patch of skin — Continual chewing or licking at site — Abnormal aggression (associated with painfulness of site)-- Possible depression (associated with painfulness of site)-- Inflammation, redness, and swelling in a localized patch of skin — Crusted scabs or oozing sores — Dry scaly skin — Hair loss — Moist, matted fur — Foul odor from lesion
If you notice that your dog's skin patches have become sore, crusted and oozing, it may be generalized mange.
«Her skin was infected, and she had oozing, smelly sores.
• Examine your skin and scalp at least once a month for moles or warts that change in size, shape, or color or sores that keep oozing, bleeding, and crusting over.
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