Sentences with phrase «skink in»

We had a resident skink in our toilet for about a week.

Not exact matches

The team captured pregnant skinks from each clan and allowed half of each group to lie in the sun for 10 hours per day, while the others were restricted to 4 hours.
I studied the ecology and evolution of lizards called skinks on islands in the Pacific.
Lights attract insects, insects attract frogs, toads, geckos, skinks and other animals, which in turn attract hungry snakes.
Together, the experiments offer «compelling evidence» that embryonic skinks can detect and respond to predator - like signals, the authors write in the March 2013 issue of Copeia.
In two lab experiments, the researchers compared the hatching dates for skink eggs exposed to vibrations with those of eggs that weren't shaken.
«This is not just happening in delicate skinks — I'm thinking that environmentally cued hatching is very widespread, in many groups.»
[E] arly hatching skinks were significantly smaller and left behind larger residual yolks in their eggs than spontaneously hatching skinks,» the authors write, potentially reducing the chances of survival.
That curtain began to lift a bit a few years ago, when Doody and student Philip Paull of Monash University in Australia began studying a population of delicate skinks (Lampropholis delicata) in a park near Sydney.
The skink study is «very cool» and «very clear — we really don't have well documented examples like this in reptiles,» says biologist Karen Warkentin of Boston University.
If a bird goes in for the kill but underestimates a skink's speed, it will come up with nothing but a mouthful of disembodied tail — and the skink will live another day.
That's a good thing for the skink, because lizards can drop their tails when in danger and regrow them later.
So Gopal Murali, an evolutionary biologist at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, decided to look at how such stripes might function in lizards, many of which sport racing stripes similar to the five - lined skink.
Like many present - day lizard species, such as skinks, that can detach their tails to escape or distract a predator, the middle of many tail vertebrae had cracks in them.
Worse yet, what fractured forests remain would start to suffer from «lonely tree syndrome,» in which their health and potential as a carbon skink drops severely.
These skinks are potentially subject to a condition called «swayback» in which their spine becomes soft.
«Green iguanas and some species of chameleons are different kinds of lizards commonly seen in the pet trade; also popular in the pet trade are bearded dragons, leopard geckos, crested geckos, blue - tongued skinks, monitor lizards and Chinese water dragons to name a few,» she explains.
Internship at the Little Rock, Arkansas Zoo where she assisted in developing and delivering conservation awareness shows, and provided behavioral training and enrichment for over 40 animals, ranging from a Bald Eagle to a baby Groundhog, to a Blue - Tongued Skink.
Here at the Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando we offer a variety of services in order to prevent diseases in your pet lizard (bearded dragon, leopard gecko, green iguana, uromastyx, Chinese water dragon, monitors, geckos, skinks, etc).
Those who have their heart set on a water monitor, which, though easily tamed, have the potential to get to eight or nine feet in length, might be mollified by the significantly smaller savannah monitor, or perhaps a Tegu, or, even more amenable to the abilities of a novice, a blue - tongued skink or bearded dragon (the name «dragon» of course having its own cache with youngsters).
Sandfish are beautiful skink - like lizards, with charming faces and amusing behaviors, that dive in and out of loose sand.
There is opportunity to see the colourful birds and animals living in this fantastic environment — many colourful parrots, robins, wrens, and rainforest wallabies as well as other creatures — lizards, skinks, spiders and snakes (at a safe distance!)
If snakes, lizards, skinks, and reptiles in general give you the creeps, then we've got seven reasons to give them another chance: From tiny turtles to massive dragons, these endangered reptiles have one - of - a-kind personalities, camouflage techniques, and coloring that make them different from your average creepy - crawly.
If snakes, lizards, skinks, and reptiles in general give you the creeps, then we've got seven reasons to give them another chance: From tiny turtles to massive dragons, these endangered reptiles
Ye Pow» rs wha mak mankind your care, And dish them out their bill o» fare, Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware That jaups in luggies; But, if ye wish her gratefu» prayer, Gie her a haggis!
Well believe it or not, some researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia believe they have evidence that links warming temperatures to increased intelligence in a lizard - like creature called the skink.
The bluetail mole skink (Eumeces egregius lividus) is found in Florida's interior peninsula and is considered a threatened species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
3) Question: I'm no herpetologist, but I'm pretty sure the guy in the seat next to me on this flight has two geckos, two monitor lizards and 11 skink lizards fastened to his body.
Cullen's a town pretty much in the top right - hand corner of Scotland, and skink, well that's a Scottish word originally for a shin of beef but later generalized to mean a soup.
Cullen's a town pretty much in the top right - hand corner of Scotland, and skink, well that's a Scottish word originally for a shin of beef but later generalized to mean a... [more]
I felt a little as dear M. Jourdain must have felt when he learned he'd been speaking prose all his life, for I've had many a chowder in my time that's come within a ace of skink, had I but known it.
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