Sentences with phrase «skitters across»

«In Udomsak's earliest works, meaning slips and skitters across their smooth monochromatic surfaces or sinks between the pin pricks of light in a blanket of black.
One cat might play - target a ponytail while another skitters across the gleaming studio floor around the mats.
The pan or griddle is ready if a drop of water skitters across the surface, evaporating immediately.
When your skillet is hot enough that a drop of water will skitter across the surface, it's time to cook!
Bunnies and squirrels skitter across freshly mown lawns....
I always double stitch bean bags, for fear of thousands of little beans skittering across the floor, but you could get away with just once if you are braver.
For years, scientists have noticed rapidly varying electric fields inside dust storms and dust devils, the dirty whirlwinds that skitter across many desert areas.
When the insects have located a dense patch of flowers or a source of water, they skitter across the honeycomb in their hive in a pattern related to the direction of and the distance to the site.
From the outside, people look like tiny space heaters skittering across the globe: six - and - a-half billion appliances each set to about 91 degrees, the average temperature of human skin.
Pulling up to a park on East Kelowna road, we took a few snaps there before skittering across the street to a little apple orchard (at least I think these were apple trees, I guess they could also have been pear) and nestling down among the newly bloomed branches for a few minutes in the light of a pale, serenely lovely late afternoon sunset.
There are montages of newspaper clippings and funny little animated episodes, with cutouts skittering across the image, as in a Monty Python sketch.
Suddenly, a jackrabbit skittered across the road.
Because the film is told — in narration and in its cinematography — from the point of view of Ma's five - year - old son Jack (Jacob Tremblay), who has lived his whole life within the space, Abrahamson was able to focus his lens on the minutiae that feed a child's imagination: dust swirling in sunlight, eggs being cracked into a bowl, the novelty of a rat skittering across the floor.
If you hate the thought of dog - hair tumbleweeds skittering across the floor, consider a short - coated breed.
Proving the painting's flatness with frontal shapes or solid stripes must have seemed superfluous or monotonous to him; he wanted movement; he wanted your eyes to dance and skitter across the painting, where the ground might be mottled or solid, where the shifts of color and surface pull you closer, where the space between the planes and vibrate or smolder, where color intensities vary considerably.
Julie Mehretu and her assistants work diligently on a vast painting, Mehretu's hand skittering across a surface, leaving a little trail of marks.
Reflections of the strip lights overhead skitter across the clear surfaces.
But on the wall, its materiality and scale send the eye skittering across the surface, often so dizzyingly that the composition appears to heave, swell and jitter.
Tatty curtains frame pom pom spiders that are skittering across the floor, beneath a table laden with perching blackbirds and glowing candles.

Not exact matches

It didn't roll across as much as skitter.
On lakes and rivers across the country, fleets of skinny boats will skitter over the water like giant insects, their wooden legs moving in unison.
He simply flashes an impish smile to Joseph Cotten and skitters down the alley, his long shadow stretched across the walls behind him.
One of the perks of having a cat is watching them skitter and skid across the floor in pursuit of a toy — as the many cat videos that have captivated the public have shown, cats have the ability to provide endless hours of entertainment and laughter.
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