Sentences with phrase «sky dragons»

We never had a topic called sky dragons in thermo at Uni and I suspect anyone who uses labels to rubbish other people.
I don't think there has been much in the way of food fights (a little re steig), i think the «sky dragons vs the physicists» cage match was a big attraction.
Some of the problems he'll face include getting an editor who is even half - way competent who'll do the job for next to nix; finding enough people in disciplines ranging from sun worship to sky dragon theories, who are willing to do peer review.
(Side note: It's official, the «sky dragon slayer» anti-GHE debate has gone way too far.
Yet it all checks and balances, letting us fire bows and arrows, sky dragons, walls of ice and whip chains through the air for hours and hours without ever feeling like its cheaty or unfair.
You certainly sound like a sky dragon here with your use of the magic word «thermodynamical» and statements about heat only flowing in one direction.
Now, admittedly, the walking statues thing is just ludicrous, not, like the sky dragon stuff, flatly impossible.
They are the sky dragons of policy.
Monkton and the sky dragon slayers follow the scientific method into every single nook and cranny, so that would be impossible.
Besides the sky dragon types, can you point to which sceptics were actually involved in such a debate?
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