Sentences with phrase «sky fairy like»

The bible is loaded with nasty guidances from nasty Christian sky fairy like this one:
Fine demands from your vicious, vindictive jerk of a sky fairy like these:

Not exact matches

The people who like to spout off «religion is just a fairy tale about sky people,» are just as bad as those who stand outside colleges and try to convert people to their religion.
For example, I refer to the Judeo - Christian god as a sky fairy (although I think I like sky wizard better — it has the whole magic old man connotation to it) but I don't for example, say you believe in any other god.
Now, your need to speculate that the sky daddy of the atheist exists addresses your bias and also explains why atheists like to claim tooth fairy as real
I think you should call it something else since calling it god is misleading and makes it seem like you DO believe in sky fairies (the Christian god).
And no, you have not presented any valid proof or evidence whatsoever, despite your (dishonest) claims to the contrary, that your nasty sky fairy AKA Allah exists, which is a good thing since he seems to be a violent, murderous ass hole just like his many terrorist followers.
I certainly don't call it a magical sky - fairy or an imaginary guy in the sky (like some imagine).
swohio, sounds like your nasty Christian sky fairy threatening us again.
i am atheist, i served as an atheist and i will die an atheist because until your neglectful sky fairy father figure decides to show up he is nothing more than a quaint little bed time story for all the childish minded people like you.
But, you can't have it both ways, attributing all things bad to «darkness» or «human nature» but crediting some hokey sky - fairy with the «good,» like heroic acts floowing a tragedy.
truth be trolled's ramblings about his sky fairy is starting to sound like that pompous idiot lionly.
That is why they need their guns Sey, to kill people like you who make fun of their sky fairy.
All about money Bill... nothing else no fairy in the sky needed... crickets have DNA... like the Prince of England.
SIMILAR, to how you might accuse us of «blind faith that is like believing in fairy tales» or of a «man in the sky that does magic tricks».
I should not get so worked up about this but the cold hearted stupidity and callousness of people like Lynesh make me sick, the real answer is that the sky fairy and its son do not of course EXIST.
Just like the debating astrologers, who can argue until the drought breaks as to whether Virgos or Capricorns will find love this month, must fear the approach of the astronomer and his telescope, you beleivers in the various sky - fairies must dread the contenance of the rational atheist..
Fine stuff like this, so that Christians deservedly start squirming as we look at the idiocies of their beliefs about their sky fairy:
I know you must be pretty proud of yourself by sounding like your making a valid scientific argument for an all knowing fairy in the sky, but your not.
Well, actually, we are far better off not following your nasty sky fairy's demands, when that book of nasty AKA the bible that you reference includes horrid stuff like this:
Science and religion are not mutually exclusive... all Christians do not believe just what they are told and some actually think «work out their faith», and we all don't just blindly believe in a «sky fairy» blah, blah, blah, God is like believing in the Easter bunny, religion is just here to control you... STUPID... do you know how much wisdom is in the bible?
You might not like the first line, but you don't have the right to not be offended when your idiotic sky fairy tales are justifably called into question.
Just like your sky fairy, the war on xtians is just another make believe concept in your head.
Some mindless dribble from a journalistic flake about what the Christian sky fairy sounds like?
You look ethereal and fairy - like, especially with the colors of the sky.
Denying evolution is like denying the Holocaust; but a frank disavowal of fairy tales about an old man in the sky who watches sparrows and listens to prayers is even riskier.
Thousands of fairy lights smother these branches and look like a galaxy in the midnight sky — all that's missing is Santa's approaching sleigh.
Throw in a couple of brighter hues for a modern punch, then complete the look with a string of simple fairy lights, which will twinkle like stars against the night sky tones of the wall.
This set of fairy lights twinkles like stars against the midnight sky tones of the wall.
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