Sentences with phrase «slaveholders as»

and that therefore the British could be appealed to «as strongly by their regard for the slaveholder as for the slave, to labor in this cause» (MBMF 417).
They asked outright if the board would appoint a slaveholder as missionary, and they were told no!

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These sentiments, common place in the homosexual rights movement, could easily have been those of slaveholders and those involved in the slave trade, and as such they would strike us as ludicrous.
Like Douglass, during his career as a slave, Brown was the chattel property of several families, and he also recorded that slavery had a corrosive influence upon the character and well - being of the slaveholders and their families.
When southern Baptists from Alabama and Georgia petitioned to have slaveholders appointed as convention missionaries in 1844, the convention refused to consider them, arguing that doing so would force them to take a side in the debate over slavery.
But it's good to remind ourselves now and then that just as Southern slaveholders had a vested interest in interpreting Colossians 3:22 literally, so we tend to «pick and choose» to our own advantage.
Suggestions for any radical solution of the problem, such as emancipation, had never been seriously considered, and now that slaveholders had the cotton gin, and cotton ruled as king of their economic life, they felt that they had to maintain slavery.
God does not make us His property in Jesus Christ to show that He can do with us what He wills, as the slaveholder stamps His name upon His slaves.
«It is not the fault of the slaveholder that he is cruel, so much as it is the fault of the system under which he lives,» Northrup wrote in his memoir.
Mirel notes that, while the immigrant press was enthusiastic about America and its freedoms, it could also criticize Washington and Jefferson as slaveholders: but this criticism, too, was clearly an education in Americanism for its readers.
But as the stories of Eliza's life as a slave on a southern cotton plantation and her daring escape from her slaveholders come to light, Johanna's respect, then love, builds for her peer.
The book, which highlighted the disconnect between Christian tenants and the actions of white slaveholders, became a bestseller across the United States and launched his career as an abolitionist...
The fact that they became slaveholders after they had previously been sold and exploited virtually as slaves themselves is a powerful and sobering testament to what Primo Levi called the «gray zone» of humanity, a treacherously murky ground where the persecuted becomes the persecutor, the victim turns victimizer.
Does it get a pass because it's NPCs, or does it make you uncomfortable to see your player potentially cast as a heroic slaveholder?
Chew was recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning in a segment focused on the dichotomy of Thomas Jefferson as both champion of liberty and a slaveholder.
Since all of us are in some way the beneficiaries of cheap fossil fuel, tackling climate change has been like trying to build a movement against yourself — it's as if the gay - rights movement had to be constructed entirely from evangelical preachers, or the abolition movement from slaveholders.
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