Sentences with phrase «sleep is next to impossible»

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and most today only think it's «normal» when a baby isn't getting what it needs first... SO THAT IT HAS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CRY... and you should read «it takes a village» by clinton... yes parents are people too and yes if you don't take care of yourself first then you can't take care of your baby... just like when you get on an airplane you're instructed to in an emergency put on your oxygen mask first THEN help the child sitting next to you... BUT the only reason it's impossible for most people to keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the babTO CRY... and you should read «it takes a village» by clinton... yes parents are people too and yes if you don't take care of yourself first then you can't take care of your baby... just like when you get on an airplane you're instructed to in an emergency put on your oxygen mask first THEN help the child sitting next to you... BUT the only reason it's impossible for most people to keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the babto in an emergency put on your oxygen mask first THEN help the child sitting next to you... BUT the only reason it's impossible for most people to keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the babto you... BUT the only reason it's impossible for most people to keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the babto keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the babto raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the babto sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the baby.
But, because he was used to sleeping with me at night, he wouldn't nap without me, which is next to impossible to do when you also have another kid (there's 22 months between the boys).
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z