Sentences with phrase «sleep items such»

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Remove all other items from the crib when you put your baby to sleep, such as pillows and stuffed animals.
The second step involves using sleep tools such as a comfort blanket, bedtime music or sleep items that don't necessarily require you to be present at night.
Simple safeguards such as placing your baby on his back to sleep and keeping the sleep environment clear from any excess items can reduce the risk of this tragedy by up to 60 %.
Along with sleeping alone, your baby's sleep area should be free from items such as bumpers, loose bedding, and toys because these all substantially increase your child's risk of suffocation or entrapment.
- Don't put bumper pads or any other items such as pillows or covers in the crib while your baby is actually sleeping in it.
Its products include drying stations for bottles and other feeding accessories, nursery items such as its Back to Sleep wearable blanket, bébéPOD and pottyPOD, travel accessories, safety guards, and more.
The kids bring their doudous from home (security items such as their teddy bear or blankets) and sleep in beds at school.
Brown says parents shouldn't bother to spend their money on items such as sleep positioners, which claim to reduce the risk of SIDS or create a safe environment.
City officials announced Thursday that items such as tents, sleeping bags, and other personal belongings will not be allowed back into the park after the cleaning, and that protesters will only be allowed back onto the park property if they abide by the rules.
Callaghan's neurology group started by looking into the AAN's list, and then went further to identify a whopping 74 items to look into from other recommendations that addressed neurological care, such as from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Neurological Surgeons.
Some of these items, such as sleep positioners and the soft bumpers that run around crib rails, are sold at baby stores.
Questionnaires may elicit opinions, health information (like sleep times, weight or items in the last day's meals), descriptions of daily habits (how much exercise you get or how much TV do you watch) and demographic data (such as age, ethnic background, income and political affiliation).
But if you must, the rule of thumb here is to have only soft sleep - related items such as pillows or blankets.
For the study, the patients self - reported outcomes in a 36 - item physical component survey that also included variables such as: fatigue, depression, and quality of sleep.
The MRS consists of 11 items that map into common manic symptoms such as the patient's motor activity, flight of thoughts, voice or noise level, hostility or destructiveness, and sleep.
The first three items of the shared activity scale (Items 9 — 11 in Table 1) assessed the general preference for spending free time doing things with one's spouse or for doing things separately; the frequency of sharing touching such as a hug, sitting or lying cuddled up, a neck rub or holding hands; and the frequency with which respondents and their spouse / partner slept in the same bed in the last mitems of the shared activity scale (Items 9 — 11 in Table 1) assessed the general preference for spending free time doing things with one's spouse or for doing things separately; the frequency of sharing touching such as a hug, sitting or lying cuddled up, a neck rub or holding hands; and the frequency with which respondents and their spouse / partner slept in the same bed in the last mItems 9 — 11 in Table 1) assessed the general preference for spending free time doing things with one's spouse or for doing things separately; the frequency of sharing touching such as a hug, sitting or lying cuddled up, a neck rub or holding hands; and the frequency with which respondents and their spouse / partner slept in the same bed in the last month.
No items explored symptoms, such as weight variation, sleep problems, asthenia, and concentration difficulties, which are included in SAFA - S scale.
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