Sentences with phrase «sleep matters»

From decreased attention to weight gain, getting the right quality and quantity of sleep matters.
Contrary to popular belief, and cute little quotes like, «I'll sleep when I'm dead», quality sleep matters... A LOT.
Sleep matters for kids, especially when they are stressed.
When it comes to living healthy, you know getting enough sleep matters.
Moreover, researchers found that the timing of sleep mattered.
After a dramatic breakdown that was the result of burnout, the media mogul did deep research on why sleep matters and ultimately wrote the book, «The Sleep Revolution.»
If you liked this article you can learn more about the history and cultural aspect of baby sleep in my upcoming book «Why Your Baby's Sleep Matter's».
Plus, check out the «Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters» Facebook page, for more science, history and anthropology of infant sleep.
Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters is a comprehensive discussion of night - time nurturing, dispelling common myths surrounding how infant and child sleep «should» be in a gentle and informative way.
Sleep matters: If you are able to put one thing at the top of your parenting to - do list, this should be it... get your kids to bed on time and make sure they're getting the rest they need.
Veerle's writing is great and her fun - to - read diary entries show her sound approach to Isolde's sleep matters and young family life in all its aspects.
As one pediatrician says, «Sleep matters, as we have learned to acknowledge in medical training.
In Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters, renowned gentle parenting expert Sarah Ockwell - Smith demonstrates how nurturing babies at night helps their brain development, and covers the topics every parent of a new baby will need to know about, including naps, SIDS, night weaning, coping with your own exhaustion — and even dealing with advice and criticism from others.
Our results provide compelling evidence that sleep matters a lot,» said lead author Theresa E. Gildner, a doctoral student in the UO's anthropology department.
Be regimented about adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors and recognize the timing of when you sleep matters.
«We know that the amount of sleep you get is important, but this research is also suggesting that when you're sleeping matters, too,» says Knutson, who co-authored the study.
Your environment, stress, and sleep matter.
However, the amount of hours one sleeps matters a lot.
Exercise, nutrition, and sleep each matter.
How well you sleep matters.
Here's an infographic by The Sleep Matters Club that shows how to avoid post-exercise insomnia and lays out reasons why it's so important for recovery and growth of your muscles — leading to a fitter and stronger you
If like me, sleeping matters a lot to you (my friends can confirm how much I like that) and you don't want to let anything come between you and your beauty sleep, I've got some amazing tips to help you do that.
That is why the only way to add more sleep to your life is to convince yourself that your sleep matters and must be a top priority.
«It looks like when the leadership team demonstrates that sleep matters — that it's a priority and should be taken seriously, soldiers benefit,» she says.
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