Sentences with phrase «sleep while drowsy»

Put your baby to sleep while drowsy but awake.

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20 percent of vehicle crashes are linked to driving while drowsy and inadequate sleep is a contributing cause for a litany of health horrors, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression, continuing right down to simple irritability.
Offer the breast while baby is drowsy or in a light sleep.
If needed, guide baby to breast while drowsy and in a light sleep.
While we believe it's important for new moms to get as much sleep as possible, we caution about getting too drowsy, especially if you're nursing or co-sleeping with your baby.
Preemies may be drowsy when just waking up from active light sleep, or after being up for a while when they're ready to fall asleep.
Since moms are often extremely relaxed and drowsy while they're breast - feeding, your partner can agree to be on «alert» — maybe quietly reading a book or checking e-mails — while you get some sleep.
On the other hand, you can significantly minimize the risk with co-sleeping, but you can not eliminate the possibility that something terrible could happen (mom rolls over, baby suffocates while nursing on a drowsy / sleeping mom, etc.).
We've been putting Landon to sleep at night and for naps drowsy but awake for a little while now.
He sleeps great at night, wakes up for his feedings and is usually not drowsy while nursing - he basically nurses for a full 25 minutes every time.
Overtired babies find it harder to fall asleep naturally but if you can put baby down while drowsy she's more likely to sleep for longer stretches during the night.
We all know about the dangerous, drowsy driver, and we have heard about sleep - deprived British pilots who crashed their planes (having fallen asleep) while flying home from the war zone during World War II.
And, while I recommend getting more sleep if you're feeling tired, for something entirely counterintuitive that works in a pinch when you're feeling drowsy, drink coffee right before taking a 20 - minute nap.
While I was drinking the Montmorency tart cherry juice, those times I did wake up, I still felt drowsy and was able to drift back to sleep
Furthermore they should not be operated while drowsy, which many people are during the evening drive - home hours; a new study by the American Automobile Association determined that driving while sleep - deprived is as dangerous as driving drunk.
Those who are more likely to drive while drowsy include those who fail to get enough sleep, commercial truckers who operate semis, buses or tow trucks and those who work the night shift or extra long shifts.
While many associate drowsy driving with truck drivers, teen drivers are also likely to drive with sleep deprivation, increasing the likelihood of car accidents.
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