Sentences with word «sleepin»

«I planned on sleepin» «til about 7, then get up and go work out.
They are made to support a baby up to 15 pounds and provide a safe sleepin g environment for them.
and 1 thing that every1 needs to know bout me is that IMA PARTY CHICA!!!!!! oh and if you talk bout me you'll b sleepin with the fish.
The only reason for such big sleep with puppies is that they are growing and like human children they need lotsa sleepin.
Anyways... raining out, dogs are sleepin... ovens preheating... if i do nt hear back from you before I add the nuts... methinks I will add a cup of each and let you know how things went...
Check out yer little compliant children, all sleepin» in on ya.
I've been co - sleepin / feeding my son since he was born.
We enjoy sleeping in on Saturday mornings when we can... we call them «in - sleepins» around our house.
• To a certain extent, the entire lat is stimulated by each type of chin, but to really make those sleepin» fiber's sit up and howl, try sectioning them off in your mind.
Not much to do here, so I'm usually working, on my computer, or sleepin.
Even as he was sleepin» on the operatin'table, he was still teachin» me.
Each unit comprises a kitchenette, sleepin...
i mean seriously why cant there be a fun game on vita like saints row or prototype hell i'd even like a sleepin dogs on vita
It had a refrain: «Late at night while you're sleepin» Charlie Cong comes a creepin» along.»
♫ Two o'clock in the mornin», I'm sleepin» and something wakes me but I don't know what it is.
I wan na let the other guy be eatin» and sleepin» while I'm working and while I'm trying to achieve my best earthly perfection.»
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