Sentences with word «sleepiness»

Sleepiness refers to the state of feeling tired, drowsy, or needing to sleep. Full definition
Because it is so hard to tell what age your toddler will stop taking naps, try to become tuned to the signs of daytime sleepiness in your child.
Learn to identify signs of sleepiness in your baby.
As many as 1 in 4 Americans suffer heartburn at night, which disrupts sleep and causes excessive sleepiness during the day.
One study from the Public Library if Science found that the result of frequent waking and short hours of sleep lead to excessive daytime sleepiness in the 33 women they studied over the first 18 weeks postpartum.
The hormone causes sleepiness by helping the body transition into sleep mode.
That suggested that it might induce sleepiness by inhibiting the activity of those neurons.
Many of us have experienced feelings of sleepiness after a large meal.
Well, while that old wives» tale has some basis in science, the tryptophan in turkey is not the reason for sleepiness after Thanksgiving dinner.
Research has shown that ingesting glycine before bed can actually help improve sleep quality and reduce daytime sleepiness as well as improve memory.
We watch for signs of sleepiness during the day and «offer» her sleep as soon as we spot them.
«Interactions between drugs, and other substances, can put older people at a real risk of everything from low blood sugar to kidney damage and accidents caused by sleepiness,» says Preeti Malani, M.D., the director of the poll and a professor of internal medicine at the U-M Medical School.
In the research report published by the foundation, Adolescent Sleep Needs and Patterns, other problems with sleepiness include «negative moods,» «poor school performance,» and «increased likelihood of stimulant use.»
If your child does not get necessary skills to sleep well, he may grow into an incurable adult insomniac, chronically suffering from sleepiness and dependent on sleeping pills.
Those with sleep apnea often suffer from increased sleepiness during waking hours, which can be dangerous when driving — or flying.
The USPSTF found at least adequate evidence that treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and mandibular advancement devices (MADs) can improve intermediate outcomes (e.g., the apnea - hypopnea index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale score, and blood pressure) in populations referred for treatment.
Red wine was voted the most likely type of alcohol to make a person tired or lethargic, with 60 % of respondents reporting sleepiness after a few glasses.
Melatonin can promote sleepiness when taken within an hour of bedtime.
One explanation is that alcohol may affect the normal production of chemicals in the body that trigger sleepiness when you've been awake for a long time, and subside once you've had enough sleep.
About 22 percent reported having excessive daytime sleepiness when the study began.
One study found, for example, that subjects who followed up their caffeine intake with 20 minutes of shut - eye experienced less sleepiness later in the day.
He says he finds that many of them fully appreciate the hazards of driver sleepiness.
Nursing mothers who are ultra-rapid metabolizers may also experience overdose symptoms, such as extreme sleepiness, confusion, or shallow breathing.
This is a diet in which you cut out certain foods that cause a variety of symptoms, including sleepiness within 10 to 30 minutes of eating them.
Studies on post-meal sleepiness in humans have been hit - or - miss, he adds; some have found an effect, but others haven't.
This therapy may create daytime sleepiness at first, which helps reset the body's internal clock.
You don't need the stress of poor sleep and daytime sleepiness on top of everything else.
Study results showed that drivers with two or more nighttime periods in their restart breaks experienced fewer lapses of attention, reported less sleepiness while on duty, and maintained their lane position better than those with only one nighttime period in their restart.
A new study confirmed the link between sleepiness during the day and the buildup of amyloid in the brain.
Prior to surgery, all individuals reported having an Epworth Sleepiness Score of 10 or more during the day, which is considered «very sleepy».
Your baby's playfulness can quickly turn into sleepiness.
If you're then putting the clocks back you're inducing more sleepiness earlier on in the evening.
It can help to follow a soothing pre-bed routine that creates sleepiness.
«Sleep deficiency increases risk of a motor vehicle crash: Study finds that sleep deficiency due to either sleep apnea or insufficient sleep duration is strongly associated with motor vehicle crashes, regardless of one's self - reported sleepiness level
You may experience severe sleepiness during daylight hours, insomnia at night, problems concentrating, general confusion (making you a target for thieves and con artists), and more.
Moms who continue to suffer sleepiness and fuzzy thinking might want to consult a physician and nutritionist.
Excessive sleepiness also contributes to a greater risk of sustaining an injury.
Antihistamines: may produce sleepiness as a side effect, and this may help your cat relax during car rides.
Sunlight helps you battle afternoon sleepiness because it increases the levels of vitamins D and B. On top of that, sunlight in moderation will improve your mood, help you focus and give your immune system a little boost, which is needed because you put your immune system in danger when you don't get enough sleep.
These asssess how productive and happy you feel at different intervals, the presence of health issues or disease risks, current sleep issues, dependency on caffeine during the day and feelings of sleepiness while driving.
In the book, he teaches parents how to spot these sleep signals and «catch the rising wave of sleepiness before the child crashes into an overtired state.»
The results revealed that excessive daytime sleepiness improved in those who lost weight.
Feeding him was so incredibly difficult and we battled sleepiness from jaundice and his irritability from the assisted delivery made it even more difficult to feed him.
Next Page: 8 ways to avoid sleepiness [pagebreak] To avoid work - related sleep problems, try these solutions:
The generic name for Anna's persistent sleepiness, which no amount of sleep could erase, is hypersomnia.
While patients in both groups were equally likely to report surgical complications and difficulty awakening from anesthesia, hypersomnolent patients were more likely to report worsened sleepiness (40 % of the hypersomnolent group vs. 11 % of the RLS group, p = 0.001) and worsening of their sleep disorder symptoms (40 % of the hypersomnolent group vs. 9 % of the RLS group, p = 0.0001).
Often, the drowsiness associated with white line fever can lead to more sleepiness, increasing the risk of falling asleep at the wheel.
Well, it turns out that apples can keep sleepiness away too.
Half of U.S. workers say sleepiness interferes with the amount of work they get done; nearly 20 % say it causes them to make mistakes.
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