Sentences with phrase «sleeping toddler kick»

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The baby painkiller must have kicked in at this point because the screaming subsided and he actually lay down and started to drift off - probably dreaming about his toddler sleep problems!
I nurse him back to sleep, get up to pee again (pregnant bladder) and try to find a comfortable position to sleep where my huge belly is neither making me uncomfortable nor in danger of being kicked by a restless toddler.
Unlike conventional bedding which can be kicked off during the night, our children winter sleep bags ensure babies and toddlers enjoy a peaceful sleep at a constant temperature.
Negatives for me - heavy (as a scooter on its own so not as easy for toddler to manoeuvre), quite long so when attached to pram you need to walk slightly to the side to avoid kicking it as you walk, plastic on base not strong, poor quality grip tape, can not lower pram to sleeping position when board in use.
The large toddler sleep sacks seem to bother him, and since we turn the heat off at night, his footie jammies aren't always enough to keep him warm if he kicks off the covers.
You can absolutely let him sleep until he wakes up, but consider this: if your child wakes in pain, then you've got a fully awake, fussy toddler who is going to have to wait about 30 minutes for the pain reliever to kick in (only if you have a kid who really suffers when they teeth).
Co sleeping with your toddler may have its downsides, and getting kicked and pushed are definitely a couple of them.
As your toddler grows, getting kicked in the face by his arms or legs every night can make it hard for you and your partner to get any sleep.
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