Sentences with phrase «sleeping without waking»

Wht has me worried is tht in day she goes upto 4 hrs sleeping without waking up despite all efforts to wake her.
The wings are the easiest design for swaddling, I can get her arms out for breastfeeding and get them back in for sleeping without waking her.
The skill to settle ourselves helps us go straight back to sleep without waking up completely.
Other babies will pee in a diaper and go back to sleep without waking mama, so those families don't do EC at night.
That means the total number of hours slept without waking.
I can honestly say that between 5 - 9 months, we got about 11 hours of sleep without waking and for the past 2 months (10 - 12), they have consistently slept from 5pm - 6 am regularly.
Waking up is most often due to the child needing a «sleep crutches» to remain asleep (be able to go through the light sleep cycle back to deep sleep without waking up).
It is often impossible to fully awaken the person, and after the episode the subject normally settles back to sleep without waking.
Some dragons will take very long naps off and on for the entire cycle, while other dragons will sleep without waking for the entire cycle.

Not exact matches

The hallmark of her routine includes getting eight hours of sleep, so she wakes up naturally without an alarm clock on most days.
«We went to sleep as TCF and we woke up as an effectively banned group without any reasonable due process or fair hearing,» says regional InterVarsity leader Curtis Chang.
By holding these suggestions through the evening I went to bed and fell asleep, saying: «I am soul, spirit, just one with God's Thought of me,» and slept all night without waking, for the first time in several years [the distress - turns had usually recurred about two o'clock in the night].
I also know this because my new neighbor's dog «digs» at the wall that separates our bedrooms, so every morning, whenever that dumb canine wakes up, he claws his way into my REM sleep without abandon.
I would say I was relatively flexible with her, because I was desperate to find what was best for her but still kept it pretty scheduled (for example: experimenting with changing wake times or bedtimes, tweaking the bedtime routine, adding / removing dream feeds and cluster feeds, etc.) She started sleeping longer stretches pretty early and at 3 months I could count on getting a 6 - 7 hour stretch, but every once in a while she'd go 8 - 10 hours without a feeding.
But if your daughter just fell asleep, she might be sleeping really hard, and if you're lucky maybe you can change the diaper without waking her up.
I would definitely be on board with this, as I hope it would increase his ability to sleep longer stretches at night without waking.
But the real issue if after that - he will not sleep in his bassinet for more than 20 min without waking (no matter if he lay him down drowsy, wide awake or dead asleep) without waking and crying until I come get him.
The kids» wake times allow me to either sleep until they wake up, which is super nice to not have to get up until 7 am, or I can get up and get ready for the day before they get up without having to be up with the sun.
After 8 months of sleepless nights you realise you have to go back to work and this can't carry on forever so you consider night weaning gently, but after a months of struggle you find out she carries on waking and getting her back to sleep without feeding gets more difficult.
Though I'd never mastered the art of lowering a sleeping baby into a crib without waking him up, it occurred to me at one point that if I just laid him in the crib (which had been used as a giant laundry basket for months) when he was sleepy, he'd probably fall asleep without much fussing and sleep all the way through the night, sparing my nose in the meantime.
The one night your bedtime routine goes without a hitch and your little one is sound asleep the exact time you aimed for, this is inevitably the night you will have the most disturbed sleep of your entire life, whether it is because he wakes and refuses to settle the rest of the night or your neighbours decide to have an all - night party.
Just trying to figure out why she is not sleeping 8 - 10 hrs through the night without waking up like most babies her age.
The first of many reasons that it may be time for your baby to start weaning is if he or she can no longer sleep through the night without waking up and fussing.
What happens with night wakings and control patterns, is that every time a child wakes at night, they need their control habit to get them back to sleep without crying.
Our heavy duty buckle is easy to release, which means taking your sling off can be done smoothly without any unnecessary fuss or waking a sleeping baby.
Often, what happens, when a baby uses a repression mechanism (sucking usually, in this case, your boob), they often wake up frequently and can't go back to sleep without it.
If your baby wakes up often and if you have the energy to think long - term, take some time to try making your baby go to sleep without feeding, by giving him or her a pacifier, rocking gently or whatever you would do at daytime to make your child fall asleep.
Now, babies spend most of their sleep and waking time on their backs without the counterbalance of time spent on their tummies.
At the time, I slept downstairs on a futon with our son lying next to me in a bassinet so I could rock him back to sleep when he stirred or feed him without waking up my light - sleeping husband.
This means getting your baby to sleep through the night without waking up hungry and in need of a feed.
I told him he could come back in and talk to us or sleep with us if he could do it quietly, without waking the baby.
How did you get them sleeping in the same room without waking each other?
I know for many of us, we bring our babies into bed because we find that they sleep longer, are more settled and often times we can just pop our boob out without having to even wake up.
Ever since the boys started eating solid food, we've focused on getting them a good nourishing dinner to help them sleep longer without waking up hungry.
Certainly in the first 3 - 4 months of life, your baby really shouldn't sleep more than 5 hours or so without waking up to eat.
It's really easy to use, and you'll be able to get your sleeping infant out of it without even waking them up: bonus!
You look around the floor of your bathroom (on the off chance that you had the time / courage to blow dry your hair without waking your sleeping baby boss) and see that there are strands everywhere.
If you can't get your baby to calm down and sleep through the night without waking up crying, you have to remember to be persistent.
What you will often find when you have successfully set your body clock, is that you can get to sleep more easily and wake without prompting at the right time each morning.
If you've tried everything you can to get your baby to sleep through the night without waking up crying, it might be a good idea to take them to a pediatrician.
I think eventually she'll learn to fall asleep somehow (millions of kids survive non-optimal naps sleep situations — ask any mother of two how the second one gets the nap shaft), but there's got to be some way to ease her into falling asleep without howling and waking the other kids.
«Eventually, I learned to make it to the bathroom without fully waking up, and that made it easier to get back to sleep,» she says.
The return to fertility depends a lot on frequency of nursing, as well as what time of day the nursing is happening; many women find they begin ovulating again when their baby starts sleeping through the night (i.e., going more than 5 hours without waking to nurse), because nighttime nursing seems to have a greater inhibitory effect on the hormones of fertility.
If baby wakes up, encourage her to go back to sleep without nursing.
Many professionals recommend that a newborn shouldn't sleep longer than four hours without feeding, and most babies wake more frequently than that.
I'm desperate for some more sleep at night, and would love to only pump when my daughter wakes up, but I'm worried about going too long without pumping.
As [your son] gets better at sleeping and adjust his expectations, it might just take you waiting a few (5 to 10) minutes during night wakings, and he will start to get faster at getting through them without your «help.
She had been sleeping without diaper changes but with frequent nursing (we bedshare) for several months, but when she had that rash I just couldn't leave her sleeping in her pee all night when she woke up fussing.
And when hungry at night, you may get her to settle anyway - with or without your help - but then she'll lightly wake up and cry in between sleep cycles, due to the hunger feeling.
A bonus if you manage to break the feeding - sleep association for your baby is that it is also likely that he will wake up less often at night if he learns how to go back to sleep without your breast or bottle.
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