Sentences with phrase «sleepy enough»

I was able to successfully inject the medication, making him sleepy enough to do what we needed to do, but still awake and breathing well on his own.
Usually taking melatonin or reading for an hour will make me sleepy enough to forget whatever it is I'm worried about, but no such luck last night.
That time occurs when your little one starts to become drowsy but is not sleepy enough to actually start crying.
Babies fight sleep because they are overtired, not sleepy enough, scared of being alone or having their sleep pattern disturbed.
Another issue in having is he doesn't nap for every nap — at least not the 1.5 hours because he's not sleepy enough as he used to be after 1.5 hrs of waketime, so I feel he def needs to drop feedings.
You can also try offering it when he's just waking up and perhaps still sleepy enough to take it.
If your baby is sleeping too much during daytime naps then he may not be sleepy enough to quickly fall asleep in his crib.
Try waking your child after an hour maybe even just after 45 minutes and see if he's rested enough for the rest of the day and sleepy enough to go to bed at your existing bedtime.
You may have heard the term, «sleep window» which is when they are sleepy enough to drop off naturally but not too tired they start to cry.
If he is sleepy enough to go on to sleep, you can put him down gently and pat his back until he falls completely asleep.

Not exact matches

Let the heft of the baby on your hip be enough, let the moment of holding a sleepy sun - drained babe with tired eyes to your breast, the moment when you are feeding her body and soul, be enough.
Hopefully the photographs and words will be enough this year, although I know they are not as good as my sleepy smiling face would be giving them to you in person this Sunday morning.
Arsenal v Reading, that's a toughy, I love Arsenal but without Reading to make me sleepy at night I am not sure I'd be sleeping enough.
HOWEVER a baby who is awake all the time or very sleepy all of the time is a baby who might not be getting enough OR have something else going on.
Sometimes newborns are too sleepy to fully awaken themselves to nurse, so be sure to wake your baby if he doesn't wake up often enough on his own.
I don't think my son was getting enough hindmilk — as he was sleepy all the time, and would fall asleep after getting the sugar - rich foremilk, he never got to the good stuff.
We would have had no problem with just supplementing with straight up formula if it would have helped (and ended up switching to just fortified formula eventually because of allergies and dwindling supply)-- the reason they were doing the fortified instead of just extra bottles was because she was too weak / sleepy from her heart issues to drink enough liquid in the first place for the necessary calories.
High bilirubin can make babies extremely sleepy, making it difficult for them to wake long enough for a proper feeding.
Sleepy Teens More Likely to Have Risky Behavior Most teens don't get enough sleep, putting them at greater risk for a slew of unhealthy behaviors, from physical inactivity to fighting.
But if your child has trouble falling and staying asleep then seems sleepy during the day, or has trouble breathing or snores loudly, it's a good idea to check in with his doctor to rule out problems (such as sleep apnea) that can prevent him from getting enough rest.
Often I carry my sleepy baby up the stairs and into the house, and she will stay asleep at least long enough for me to get the cold stuff in the fridge and freezer — what more could I ask for?
A changing body, busy schedule, and a load of responsibility is enough to make anyone sleepy.
Unlike a baby born at term, a premature baby may be very sleepy at feeding times, may not be strong enough to drink enough milk to sustain growth, and may have a hard time swallowing and breathing at the same time.
Even if you are very sleepy, do your best to be patient and try not to let your baby sleep enough during the daytime.
She should be quite sleepy but awake enough to know that she is going into her crib.
Sleepy, jaundiced, not feeding frequently enough.
Most teens are sleepy during the day simply because they do not get enough sleep.
Some babies have more energy to maintain a nutritive sucking pattern and fill them up for several hours, but some may be too sleepy to take in enough milk to keep them going for more than an hour.
If the baby is not getting enough pees and poops in 24 hours or in a super sleepy and you're having a really hard time waking the baby, call a lactation consultant.
«If a baby is sleepy at the breast, a cold washcloth can be used to «annoy» baby enough to wake up.»
We made it through our first six months, with him happy, healthy and thriving, and me feeling good enough to keep going — though gradually less and less as solid food became a bigger focus — right up to now, still nursing at sleepy times, just days away from his second birthday.
The aim of this technique is to leave your toddler in the cot when they are sleepy but still awake enough to help them adjust to falling asleep on their own.
Babies release sleepy hormones just from sucking, whether or not their bellies get full, so pushing off a feeding by using a pacifier can cause baby to not eat often enough or get enough milk.
A baby who is too sleepy and has to be awakened for feeds or who is «too good» may not be getting enough milk.
If your baby appears fussy or extra sleepy, then he or she may not be getting enough to eat.
I had an emergancy c - section and it was trumatic and i had a really rough time of it and I was so set on breast feeding, my baby had no problem latching and she seemed fine but she became very sleepy and lathagic and I kept telling the Nurses that something was wrong but no one listned and my baby became very dehydrated because I DID N'T PRODUCE ENOUGH MILK.
Also, jaundiced babies are very sleepy and tend not to eat enough - hence degrading your supply if you don't know you need to pump after they've fed.
The soothing nature of breastfeeding also makes them feel sleepy, and this is regardless of whether they have enough milk or not.
For example, if you spend the entire day researching, you will be too tired to see your friends in the evening — and even if they come by your house, your attention span will not be high enough and you will be sleepy.
«If adults don't get enough sleep, they'll appear sleepy,» says Dr. Syed Naqvi, a pediatric sleep expert at UT Southwestern's Peter O'Donnell Jr..
The flies were so sleepy that once they found a food source, they slept right on top of it for days — like falling asleep on a giant hamburger bun and waking up long enough to take a few nibbles before falling back to sleep.
The ideal is between 10 and 15 minutes, meaning you're still tired enough to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you feel sleepy during the day.
I know what a hectic morning can look like ~ one shoe lost; homework forgotten; a missing library book; a refusal to leave their favourite toys; the «I don't want to go today»; the bickering; the still - sleepy - slow motion - zombies; the spills; the last minute toilet emergencies; the hairstyle not having enough clips; the clothes that are too long / short / tight / loose / scratchy; the world - is - going - to - end emotional meltdown... and it is safe to say these scenarios are applicable whether you have a house full of toddlers or teens!
If you find yourself feeling sleepy during the day, you may not be getting enough sleep.
Sorry for the janky photos, once again, I had to get my sleepy hubby to take phone pix of me in the hallway because he wasn't wearing enough clothes to go outside, LOL!
I've been taking antibiotics and painkillers and all of that made me so sleepy that every day I went to bed latest by 9 pm:O Evenings are when I'm the most productive and when I get enough time to take care of some blog / photography, etc. related tasks that I don't get to solve during the day, so I've got waaaay behind on everything thanks to sleeping «too much».
Raise your chances to get a reply from her composing a well - thought, funny, interesting letter that will tell interesting facts about you, will be long enough to keep her interest, but not a «novel» that will make her bored and sleepy.
Although the zero to 100km / h acceleration figures sound somewhat sleepy (10.3 seconds), the CT200h actually feels brisk enough off the mark, and does a good job of minimising time spent in the right lane when passing slower traffic on the open road.
The rear seat has plenty of leg and head room and is wide enough to double as a bed for sleepy passengers on long trips.
So, as far as the Sleepy Portfolio is concerned, eight asset classes should be plenty enough.
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